Sunny Centrals energize the largest municipally-hosted PV system in Maryland

Standard Solar, Inc. recently commissioned the largest municipally-hosted PV system in Maryland, powered by two SMA Sunny Central 720CP-US inverters. Located at the wastewater treatment facility in Pocomoke City, the 2.1 MW, ground-mount power plant will provide 2.9 million kWh of energy to reduce the electrical costs faced by the city.
“We chose Sunny Central inverters not only because they are efficient, but also because of the technical support and strong market position provided by SMA,” said Tony Clifford, CEO of Rockville, Maryland-based Standard Solar. “Those qualities were important for this project because the system will provide a way for Pocomoke City residents to learn about renewable energy and the corresponding economic benefits for the town.”
Solar powers a greener future
The system, which also includes 6,336 SunEdison 330-watt monocrystalline panels, is expected to reduce Pocomoke City’s electricity bills by more than $37,000 per year. It also will offset 2,067 metric tons of CO2, equal to the CO2 emissions from the electricity use of 284 average American homes for one year.
City officials first began looking at solar power for the dual-benefits of reducing electricity bills and the positive contribution it makes towards the city’s commitment to environmental sustainability. Additionally, it will serve as an educational opportunity for residents to learn more about renewable energy and the important role it plays in reducing environmental impacts locally and beyond.
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