SMA Team Members Share their Hopes for a Bright 2013

As we embark upon a new year – and one that will certainly be significant for solar and renewable energy – we asked SMA team members to share their hopes for what 2013 will bring to the solar industry.
“My sunny wish for 2013 is to become a better ‘me’ by changing bad habits and getting healthier! I also want to be more cognizant of the environment by recycling more, wasting less and incorporating solar power into my home and everyday life.” –Demetrius Wren, Member Service Representative, Sunny PRO Club
“The sun is always shining for me…this is a quote from Thomas Edison, one of the greats I admire: ‘I’d put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don’t have to wait until oil and coal run out before we tackle that.’” – Manny Gonzales, Technical Sales Engineer
“Stability for the PV industry.” –Simon Avakian, Regulatory Affairs Specialist
“My 2013 solar wish is to waste less and live in a more eco-friendly manner. For the solar industry I wish to see more opportunities for renewable technology to branch out, using advancements to benefit not only the consumer but my children’s future as well.” – Katie Shaw, Project Manager
“I am looking forward to 2013 being a year of technological innovation in the solar industry and of building a broader awareness of how solar can be a viable power source for people all over the world.” – Rob Schwarzinger, Director, Channel Sales
Here’s to a brighter year for all of us. What are your wishes for the industry this year?
Feel free to contribute!