SMA Service catapults in GTM Research report

In a recent report by GTM Research, Megawatt-Scale O&M and Asset Management 2015-2020, researchers confirmed the important role the inverter plays in plant operations and performance, solidifying the role inverter manufacturers play as a key provider of plant-wide PV services. SMA, one of the leading inverter companies providing O&M services, launched head-first into the global PV services market with dramatic success over a relatively short time period.
On the list of top 25 firms managing megawatt-scale PV plants globally, SMA has shown its tremendous growth by catapulting from 17th position to sixth in the span of one year and amassing 1.375 gigawatts of business. Moreover, SMA is one of only two inverter manufacturers within the list’s top 10 in a competitive field, estimated at 133 gigawatts in total scale worldwide and growing.
Great globally and locally
As stated in Greentech Media’s review of the report, significant portions of the current global O&M PV market have only come into play during the last two years. Among the most prime areas for service business growth are new installations, making the Americas, and the U.S. especially, ripe markets as the solar industry grows.
Key takeaways from the report include:
- In North and South America, SMA has developed 924 megawatts of service business since 2009
- SMA has earned a sixth-rank among top O&M operators in the U.S.
- SMA is one of only two inverter manufacturers in the top 10
- In 2015, SMA’s grew by 584 megawatts of O&M contracts in the U.S.
- To date, SMA holds contracts on 654 megawatts of service business throughout the U.S.
Performance for today and beyond
Supplier selection is dependent on a variety of factors. Key among these are a company’s ability to service key system components that carry risk, including the inverter, as well as being able to offer a full set of competencies around the entire plant.
Additionally, investors are looking at financial stability and the ability to deliver on commitments as much as price considerations when selecting their service partners. SMA’s time-tested bankability and robust bench strength of service and engineering professionals across the globe has set it apart as a clear leader in the O&M space. The demand for pre and post-commissioning services will continue to grow as today’s solar plants age and tomorrow’s plants continue to grow in technical complexity and contracted output. Service provider selection has become critical for long-term plant viability; make sure to choose a provider ready to keep up with the pace of today’s PV industry.
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