SMA Helps Brings Light to Haiti

This past June, Bates Marshall, director of strategy and business development for SMA America, led a group of SMA employees on a charity mission to Port-au-Prince, Haiti. SMA took the trip alongside representatives from NRG Energy, the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) and the Solar Electric Light Foundation (SELF).

Zanmi Beni Home for Children

The group installed a 53 kW solar PV array at the Zanmi Beni Home for Children, a safe haven for children in Haiti, many of them disabled, built after the 2010 earthquake destroyed the hospital that housed them. You can read about the full experience on Greentech Media , where Bates shared his daily chronicles in an exclusive article.

Off-Grid Solar Power Changes Lives

This is just one example of how solar PV systems can change the lives of people in remote areas without access to a reliable electrical grid. Through the installation of systems that use Sunny Islands and Sunny Boys, people are able to access clean, safe energy that will improve the quality of their everyday lives. This need is especially apparent in developing nations like Haiti. SMA is eager to work with other organizations around the world to help make a difference in people’s lives.

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  1. Mike James Frizzell
    Mike James Frizzell says:

    Hi Jessica,

    I working on a charity project to build a medical clinic in Haiti, I am trying to design an off grid system for this. Is there anyone I could network with? Any help or advice would be appreciated!


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