Update: New Sunny Places Features

I like Sunny Places more and more with every update. Our community—the community of PV systems operators—is continually coming up with new ideas, suggestions, and sometimes even criticism. All of this is very valuable for further development of the internet platform. A good selection of these will be included in the update on July 23.
- A notification function makes it easier to follow longer discussions, and you’ll automatically receive a notification when something new is going on in the community.
- Sunny Home Manager users can now use the energy forecast to optimize their consumption.
More on the new functions:
1) Notifications for your conversations
Starting immediately, the new “Notifications” page in Sunny Places will inform you whenever:
- Someone has commented on or “liked” your posts
- Someone you’re following makes a post or comment
- You have a new “follower”
- A new system near yours is published
Of course, Sunny Places can also send you an e-mail notification. You can adjust your settings in Sunny Places if you do not wish to receive any e-mails or if you want to choose which new info you get notifications about.
2) New Widgets: “Load” and “Energy Forecast”
The latest trend in Germany is to adjust your energy consumption to the solar power available, so that you can use as much of your own, clean solar power as possible. You need intelligent energy management to do this, such as with the Sunny Home Manager.
Two new widgets—“load” and “energy forecast”—are now available for all PV systems with a Sunny Home Manager installed and are displayed on the right side.
Analyzing loads
The “balance sheet” allows you to see the loads connected to an SMA radio-controlled socket or controlled directly by the Sunny Home Manager. Choose the period for which you want to view the energy consumption and the composition of that energy. You can then see how much solar power, stored power and line current is being used for each device.
Use Sunny Places to control devices
You can optimize your own consumption by controlling the individual loads yourself under the “Control” tab or setting them on “autopilot.”
Energy forecast
You receive an energy forecast for the next three hours, which includes an estimate of your solar power generation and your power consumption. Surpluses are shown in green and deficits in red. Clicking on the arrow on the right displays the details. Clicking on the current “surplus” or “deficit” shows tips for what you can theoretically do with this amount of energy.
I hope you like these new Sunny Places features as much as I do.
SMA welcomes any and all feedback, as this helps Sunny Places to keep improving with each update.
Here’s the link to Sunny Places
Does anyone or SMA know how to convert the temperature from C to F. When I see my own information
Dear Marvin,
Please give us some more information so that we can help you with this question. Where do you see the temperature? Is it an datalogger or an inverter? Can you give us the name and serialnumber of the device?
Best regards, thanks
Hi Andrew, thank you for your honest comment. I hope you like it better now!
Danka. Thank you Killian. I grew very frustrated quite quickly with Sunny places and gave up using & looking at it.
Some interesting new ideas here.