The New Sunny Island Generation Is Here!

Isabel Balesteros Sanchez by Isabel Balesteros Sanchez (guest post), , 28 Comments

SMA will present its new Sunny Island generation at Intersolar Munich 2017. The new Sunny Island -12 may look like the old one on the outside but this one is more “communicative”. 


What exactly are the differences between the old one and new one?


1. Bye-bye Sunny Remote Control, hello WLAN

We have said good-bye to the old Sunny Remote Control (SRC-20). Now we have WLAN and a web user interface, so with a computer, a tablet or a cellphone with WLAN you can sign in to the Sunny Island to set its parameters, or get information such as current status, events, warning messages and more.


2. New configuration

The new Sunny Island web user interface makes really easy to configure a system. Instead of  the old list of parameters, now there is a simple overview of important points (AC-site, DC-site, inverter and more) and we can set different possibilities under each point.

Web User interface


3. Easy system integration

Thanks to the new WLAN feature, we have made easy the system integration. You can connect directly the system into Sunny Places or Sunny Portal via WLAN or web user interface.

This means that an extra SMA communication device is no longer needed in systems with up to four devices, the Sunny Island can sign the router via WLAN and send its data directly to Sunny Portal/Sunny Places.


4. New extended data logging

An advantage for end-users and professionals. We can download detailed data from our system via web user interface, this data can be used for system analysis or in case of failure by SMA service as the new logging intervals goes from seconds to days! With the optional SD card it is possible to extend the monitoring period.


5. Now with a 10-year warranty

How about that? We know that we build the most reliable battery inverters of the market with IP54 and a unique overload capacity compared to other off-grid inverters, so we offer a free warranty extension. The customer just needs to register their product and the warranty automaticall increases from 5 to 10 years.


6. Up to 20% reduction in system costs

And on top of the new communication interface, the extended data logging and the warranty extension, we also offer up to a 17% reduction in system costs for SI 4.4M systems and up to 20% for SI 8.0H systems.

There is also a reduction in installation costs and a time saving wizard for configuration.

Sunny Island inverters in an off-grid plant for rural areas in Ruanda. Source: Tesvolt

Sunny Island inverters in an off-grid plant for rural areas in Ruanda. Source: Tesvolt

7. Exchange of circuit board in the field

Under defined conditions, we are able to exchange the circuit board in the field. If something happens in an installation, this is extremely helpful to the end customer because we do not need to replace the entire inverter if only the circuit board is broken. We can react faster and it is cheaper to replace one part versus the entire inverter.


One last bit of information

The electrical characteristics and chassis stay the same in the new Sunny Island -12 generation as in the -11 generation. The new Sunny Island version -12 will be available in the old 8.0H, 6.0H and 4.4M power classes. The Sunny Island 3.0M will be discontinued.


More Information

For more information visit us at Intersolar Europe or check our product website.


SMA Intersolar Europe 2017


5/5 - (1 vote)
    • Christiane Keim
      Christiane Keim says:

      Hello Tomas,

      Please contact your local installer for further assistance.
      Alternatively, you may contact our SMA Service, thank you.

      Sunny regards

      • Christiane Keim
        Christiane Keim says:

        Hello Tomas,

        Please let us know in case you need any further assistance.

        Sunny regards

  1. Antonio Mangue
    Antonio Mangue says:

    Dear Sirs,

    I hope this email, find you Well, can you help me on the following issue.

    I Would like to know if is it possible to use a Mixed Cluster at a MultiCluster Box 12-2-30, with inverter SB6.0h 12 and SB6.0h 11 at same Cluster?

    Best Regards.,

  2. Jakob
    Jakob says:

    Hello! Is it possible to commission new installations of the 6.0H-11 without an SRC on-site? Would it be possible to install a speedwire module to do the initial QCG over speedwire?


  3. p v schijndel
    p v schijndel says:

    i have bought 3 sunny island 8.0 v12, do i need extra hardware to setup as a 3 phase cluster ?

  4. zelalem
    zelalem says:

    I have one sunny new sunny island invert er. but is starts and trips immediately. the relay above Ac output trips. what is the solution.

  5. Christian Bolz
    Christian Bolz says:

    thanks for reply
    I am talking about the SI 8.0-11. I have 3 of them
    Now I bought another SI8.0-12.( serial number 3000929866 I wanted to use that latest model as a master and my 2 old models as slaves. But I could not get it working.
    So I suppose they are not a match.

  6. Christian Bolz
    Christian Bolz says:

    Is it correct that I can use the new 12 series inverter as a master and the old series
    as slave 1 and slave 2??
    If I am not mistaken I read it before somewhere that it is possible

    • Carolyn Schlosser
      Carolyn Schlosser says:

      Hi Christian,

      Sorry, but can you please tell me what inverter you are talking about?
      Please leave a detailled product ID as STPTL-10/20/30; or Danfoss TLX6/8/10/12
      In case you have serialnumbers ready, do providing as well.

      SMA inverter aren`t usually communicating in a, you call it, Master + Slave arrangement.
      But in a daisy chained speedwire (Ethernet) either, or in RS485- serial bus communication.

      Sunny regards,

  7. Sodessa Soma
    Sodessa Soma says:

    Hello SMA corporates
    I have been used and familar with the old SMA inverter and configured it more than 10 using remote control, but currently it was replaced by the new one, and I tried to configure it in one training center, but it shows me Warning due to battery sensor missing, and it did not give me AC out put, can you help me?

  8. Daniel Rodda
    Daniel Rodda says:

    Hi Guys,
    just wondering when the -12 will be available in Australia? With our retailers (Ergon) restricians we can no longer use the -11 so a great number of our jobs are on the back burner.


  9. grutom
    grutom says:

    Is it true, that I don’t need speedwire card to communication with sunny home manager 2.0 ?

  10. Peter
    Peter says:

    When is the SI 12 available in the US? Does it work together with the SB 5.0 US in a grid tied with backup configuration?

    • Tobias
      Tobias says:

      Hey Peter,

      to the knowledge of the technical trainers there is no timeline to have this product available in the U.S.

      Kind regards, Tobi

  11. luibega peter
    luibega peter says:

    hello i would to purschase one for me home use how can buy one iam in uganda east africa

    • Annika Linke
      Annika Linke says:

      Hi Luibega,
      I forwarded your request to my colleagues in Africa. They will contact you.
      Kind regards, Annika

    • Jennifer Rößler
      Jennifer Rößler says:

      Hello Benno,
      this is unfortunately not possible.
      The settings of a Sunny Island -11 can`t be accepted to a new Sunny Island -12 and conversely.
      Kind regards, Jennifer

    • Jennifer Rößler
      Jennifer Rößler says:

      Hello Rudy,
      This Sunny Island is a Most of World (MOW) device, so it works in 230/400V 50 or 60Hz. For the US market we develop a Sunny Boy Storage with backup feature. It would be available at the end of 2017.
      Kind regards, Jennifer

      • Jennifer Rößler
        Jennifer Rößler says:

        Hello Rudy,
        unfortunatly it is not possible to combine older an newer Sunny Island in one cluster. Within one cluster you have to use all the same devices.
        Kind regards, Jennifer

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