Sunny Home Manager 2.0: Compatible Devices at a Glance

[Update 3. September 2020 | Download: New compatible devices] The Sunny Home Manager 2.0 makes intelligent energy management in your home easy. Together with the SMA PV inverter and connected loads, the Sunny Home Manager 2.0 ensures a long-term energy supply and provides you with independence from rising electricity costs.
Whether washing the dishes, doing the laundry in an eco-friendly way or heating and charging the e-car with solar power – we show you all electrical and thermal devices that you can use for you smart home.
Being connected to all major home appliances, Sunny Home Manager 2.0 can tell you and allows you to adjust your consumption habits. Thus, the Sunny Home Manager 2.0 makes it possible to turn on appliances automatically when the sun provides energy. This is the first step in reducing electricity costs and becoming more eco-conscious.
View all compatible devices.
Downloads | SMA Solar > Category: Monitoring & Control > Product familiy: HM-20 > Background Knowledge > SMA Smart Home – Compatabilty List for Sunny Home Manager 2.0
EEBUS: Intelligent household networking
The internationally uniform communication standard EEBUS automatically ensures the most efficient use of your self-generated solar energy in the household. The manufacturer-independent and open interface ensures optimum cooperation between energy managers, home appliances, charging stations and electric vehicles.
As part of the EEBUS initiative, SMA is also collaborating with various home appliance manufactures, including vehicle and charging station manufacturers. The result: Efficient energy use for all connected appliances. Users profit from:
- Lower energy costs
- Maximum self-consumption
- Gain more independence from energy suppliers
Find more information to the Sunny Home Manager on our Blog or on our Website.
With the modification of Bosch/Siemens group in 2021 deciding to quit EEBUS program, is there any household appliance manufacturer offering compatible products with the Sunny Home Manager 2.0?
I’m looking for a new dishwasher, but no one seems to be compatible and controllable by the Sunny Home Manager 2.0.
MIELE confirmed to me it was not, BOSH/SIEMENS is not anymore. So which one? What brand?
Hello Patrick,
Please check our compatibility list (starting at 5.1.1.) for further information regarding brands and technical requirements.
Sunny regards
Hi SMA I have been advised that the SMA EV Charger 7.4 / 22 has been pulled from the Australian market. This is terrible for people that have purchased the Home Manager 2.0 for use with the EV charger and now have a device that can’t realy manage much at all. When will it be back on the market please.
Hello Rob,
Our local sales team will get back to you.
In case you need further assistance, please contact us again.
Sunny regards
Any updates on support EV chargers? Looks like SMA is really falling behind the current market of smart EV chargers
Hello Peter,
Sorry, but we can not properly classify question. All currently compatible devices are listed in our overview (Download area of our product website, Background knowledge “Compatibility List”).
More updates on e-mobility from SMA will be available at Intersolar 2023 in Munich.
Sunny regards
PDF link no longer works, File Not Found
But I followed your advice from January and found the new link which is here:
Hello Chris,
Thanks for your feedback.
We have made the necessary correction.
The latest overview can be found anytime on the Sunny Home Manager 2.0 product page.
Sunny regards
Is there a chance that sma HM2 will support Alfen Ev loaders?
Hello Jurgen,
The mentioned external device is not supported by our Sunny Home Manager 2.0.
Sunny regards
Hello, when is hm 3.0 out in the market?
Hello ARodrigues,
At the moment, the Sunny Home Manager 2.0 is well placed in the market.
Sunny regards
I have tried to link in with your benelux support teams but in general, they have not been very helpful (6 months of ongoing email traffic, with long response time and no solution found) . I have 2 problems i am trying to solve
1) i have a vaillant heat pump. The sunny home manager seems to register the electricity usage, but it does not store it. For example, at a given moment i can see that the heat pump is using 1kw, but if i look in the daily graph at the end of the today, this 1 kw is not allocated to the heat pump, and is just lumped into the ‘unknown/gray’ category.
2) i have also bought a SIEMENS WM14VEHPFG washing machine. although it seems to connect to the Sunny Home Manager, it is shown as a connected device. No electricity usage is shown/measured and it does not seem to be instructed by the Sunny Home manager
Hello Willem,
Sorry to hear that you have to complain on our support.
In order to help you we need further information (case number, contact details).
We will contact you directly.
Sunny regards
When I try to download the list of compatible devices I get a response that the file can’t be found.
Is the NewMotion Home Advanced 2.1 EV charger on the list?
Hello Martijn,
Sorry, but due to an upate the link was no longer valid.
For that reason, please follow the way described in the beginning of the article in order to find the latest documents:
Downloads | SMA Solar > Category: Monitoring & Control > Product familiy: HM-20 > Background Knowledge > SMA Smart Home – Compatabilty List for Sunny Home Manager 2.0
Nevertheless, it has been updated now – thanks for your feedback.
Sunny regards
Is there any update on the possibility of support for EV charging supplier ALFEN ?
Hello Robby,
the mentioned external device is not supported by our Sunny Home Manager 2.0.
Sunny regards
Hi Christiane,
Are there any talks with Alfen to come to this?
Hello Robby,
As already answered earlier, the mentioned external device is not supported by our Sunny Home Manager 2.0.
Sunny regards
Would be nice if you could work with Alfen in the Netherlands is an important Supplier.
Can I plug your solution on the Linky, Frech smart meter?
Hello Perrin,
Please get back to our Service via our SMA Online Service Center for further support.
Sunny regards
When will the car charger be able to use the car battery to power the home (V2H) like the sunny boy storage does with the tesla 6.1 kWh battery.
Hello Andrew,
Thank you for the suggestion, which we will gladly pass on to our product management.
The basic prerequisite for this is that corresponding standards are met (in this case AR-N 4105:2018-11).
Sunny regards
will the list of compatible devices become bigger or this is probably final list ? Home connect from bosh/siemens, those are all eebus it seems, but not all can speak with sma hm 2.0 ? Most of the devices are rather old already, not many newer machines on there ?
Hello Dirk,
The prerequisite for SMA compatibility is the manufacturer’s use of the standard protocol EEBUS, which is supported by SMA.
Our compatibility list is updated regularly.
Any changes to the product range made by the manufacturers in the meantime may be recorded with a time delay.
Therefore, please contact your manufacturer directly to clarify the compatibility of the Sunny Home Manager 2.0 with your desired device.
Sunny regards
And in the future? Because only compatible with sunny ev charger is not from this time.
Hello pluxy,
Can you please describe your concern in detail so that we can support you?
Thank you.
Sunny regards
I mean that support only the sma devices is not modern. EEBUS is a protocol too use devices from different brands. I really like sma, but sometimes they are really slow in following the market trends.
Hello Jurgen,
Thanks for your critical feedback.
With EEBUS, SMA has chosen the standard to support as many devices as possible in order to support as many customers as possible.
Sunny regards
Hello, is the SMA sunny home manager 2.0 able to control an EV charge point of the manufacturer Alfen?
Hello Maarten,
The mentioned external device is not supported by our Sunny Home Manager 2.0.
Sunny regards
Hi SMA, on the list of compatible devices, there are so many Siemens dischwashers. But all the devices are now discontinued by Siemens. Please, are the new models from Siemens compatible with eEBUS? especially SN65ZX54CE. Thank you in advance
Hello Tomas,
Sorry for the delayed reply. We have tried to find some more information.
At this moment, we can only deliver this overview from Siemens.
Hope that this is helpful to you somehow.
Sunny regards
Hello Christiane,
thank you for the feedback. Unfortunatelly it is not possible to buy dischwasher from the list of aprooved devices. I have Siemens SN87Y800 with Home connect and I triey many times to find this device on sunny portal, but without succes. Is there any solution, how to use this dischwasher with SMA?
thank you, Tomas
Hello Thomas,
The coompatible devices are all shown in the SMA overview above.
In case you need further advice on your favourite dishwasher, please contact the manufacturer directly.
Best regards
Hi, thanks for the great post. Any insights into when you will update the compatibility list for Siemens home appliances? Current list shows appliances from 2016…
Hi, thanks for the article and update. Regarding compatible devices I have a couple of questions:
1) is there an update coming for the Siemens home appliances? Currently this list is as of July 2016 for Siemens, but at the same time updated in August 2018 for Bosch?
2) are generally all EEBUS devices supported by Home Manager 2.0?
Dear Reidar,
please take a look at the updated list of compatible devices 🙂 maybe your device is compatible now.