“Career” Category Now Part of SMA Blog

Our blog is growing with the addition of a new category, “Career.” The “Sonnenallee” SMA employee blog, which to date has had its own domain, is being integrated into our Sunny Corporate Blog together with its roughly 200 entries.
So from now on you’ll be able to find contributions from our employees on the subjects of working at SMA and our company culture by checking out the “Career” category. And, the newly added contributions are certainly worth a look. Field reports from employees, students and trainees in Germany and from our colleagues throughout the rest of the world, as well as posts covering subjects as varied as sports activities, our cafeteria and life in northern Hesse all contain invaluable insights. Perhaps more importantly, however, they provide an authentic, behind-the-scenes picture of SMA’s work environment.
Anyone specifically interested in job information can find out more by visiting our SMA Job Portal. Moreover, our Facebook page is a great way to keep up-to-date on new blog posts and interesting reference systems.
Also, if you’re particularly interested in a specific subject, make sure to leave a comment to let us know. We look forward to seeing you.
Hello to SMA Social Media Team
My name is Samukelisiwe Pretty Mhlongo based in South Africa (South African by birth). I was introduced to SMA by a friend of mine who was recruited in the company 2 years back, and reading on the company website what the company is about developed so much interest within me to be part of the company team but unfortunately each time I look up there’s no opportunities in SA within the company. I studied a National Diploma in Electrical Engineering Heavy Current and completed in 2012 and currently pursuing a B tech in the same field with University of South Africa . In the meantime, I’m employed by Eskom (power utility in SA) as a Clerk of Works (widely known as a Quality Inspector) but would love to explore opportunities outside this organisation. I’m a travel enthusiast, if SMA can grant me an opportunity to become part of it I would gladly welcome it even if it means going back to study full time.
Hopefully you receive this and consider my request. I can be reached at the email address provided or cellphone number +27712649715 at any time convenient to you.
Thank you,
Samukelisiwe Pretty Mhlongo
Hi Samukelisiwe,
Thanks for conveying so much interest in SMA. Unfortunately you are asking at a time where SMA has to dismiss people. I’m afraid that this status will last longer.
But keep having an eye on our local carreers webpage. http://jobs.sma.de/en/home.html
Best regards
Hi Leonie
Thanks for taking your time to respond to my plea, I will keep an eye on the page.
Kind Regards,
You’re welcome