Five myths about DC power optimizers

When it comes to power electronics at the module level, the world’s photovoltaic markets are divided. While it is very common for solar technology specialists in the U.S. to install power optimizers (MLPE) in PV systems to meet the relevant installation regulations, these devices are the subject of considerable controversy in the rest of the world. Sweden, for example, has even issued a partial ban on the sale and installation of power optimizers from one major manufacturer because they do not meet the applicable electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements.* So what’s the story with MLPE? What is really technically relevant, and what is just clever marketing? We resolve five common myths about power optimizers.

SMA EV Charger solaroptimiert laden

SMA EV Charger mobilizes surplus PV power and relieves the utility grid

The first 18 months of field experience with the charging solution SMA EV Charger have shown in Sunny Portal: more than half of the energy used for charging electric vehicles is provided by solar power from your own roof. It is no longer a secret that this allows you to be on the move in a particularly climate-neutral and cost-effective way. But did you know that it means you can even prevent expensive grid expansion and your contribution to the energy transition becomes even more valuable?

At work in Uganda: stable power supply for school and hospital

When Dennis Halpape and Alexander Krug journeyed to East Africa for the first time with Kassel-based association TOGETHER – Hilfe für Uganda [Aid for Uganda]  to install a solar system twelve years ago, there was rarely any light to be found for many kilometers in every direction in the region of Kooki after sunset. Today, when it gets dark, there are significantly more lights on in the houses there.

Eco safari: refuel with sunlight instead of diesel fuel

The Serengeti National Park in Tanzania, Africa, is UNESCO World Heritage natural site and tourist magnet. Lions, leopards, elephants, rhinos and buffaloes still live in their natural habitat here. In order to preserve the natural environment, Tanganyika Expeditions has relied on photovoltaics for the operation of its accommodations and on e-mobility for the safaris.

Harald Olkby Harald Olk (guest post), , 0 Comments
Von der Sunny Portal- zur SMA Energy App: Das bringt der Wechsel

From Sunny Portal- to the SMA Energy app: Advantages of switching!

With more than 450,000 downloads, the SMA Energy App is well established in the market. Now after more than one year of parallel operation, the SMA Energy App has replaced the Sunny Portal App. Reason for doing so: After all, PV systems are becoming ever more complex, and the integration of storage and e-mobility is set to become standard. The SMA Energy App combines your private energy transition at home with the change to e-vehicles on the street. We will improve our SMA Energy App following your feedback!

Warum es sich lohnt, das PV-Kraftwerk zu modernisieren

How modernizing your PV power plant pays off

When the inverter’s service life suddenly came to an end, low performance was threatening the profitability of Guntram Grieseler’s solar power plant. He decided to modernize his plant with innovative SMA string inverter technology. As a result, Guntram Grieseler’s plant is now producing even more energy than before. Here’s how it was done.

Michael Ploechl, Expert in Operation & Maintenance Solutions

Think Opex*

Storage and PV power plants are system-relevant. The energy transition cannot succeed without them. If a power plant fails, the costs mount up very quickly. Michael Ploechl is the head of the SMA monitoring location in Germany and he and his team ensure that it doesn’t come to that. Despite this responsibility, Ploechl generally remains relaxed. He can afford to. Because at two locations in the U.S. and Germany, expert teams analyze the system performance of power plants worldwide 24/7 in real time. The professionals in Rocklin and Ulm ensure that everything runs smoothly. In our interview, he explains why operating expenditure is more important than capital expenditure and how rabbits occasionally cause him some trouble.