81 Inverters for 10 MW: SMA equips Australia`s largest PV rooftop solar system

If the energy transition is to succeed and climate change is to be halted, renewable generation must be significantly expanded. To achieve this, large spaces in particular must also be used for solar power production. Like the rooftop of the Australian Panel Products’ (APP) particleboard production and distribution facility - there, earthconnect has built Australia`s largest rooftop solar system under the most challenging conditions.

PV mini-grids provide electricity to 300 villages in Senegal

Senegal wants to give its population permanent access to electricity by 2025. However, half of the country’s approximately 17 million residents live in rural areas, sometimes a long way from the national utility grid. The government is therefore looking to decentralized and environmentally friendly energy solutions. The government’s ASER300 project is bringing electricity to 300 villages all around the country with mini-grids, which include PV modules, inverters, batteries, and cooling systems.

Erik Klüglingby Erik Klügling (guest post), , 4 Comments