Projets Grandes Toitures < MW : 3 raisons pour lesquelles les installateurs choisissent le CORE1

Large rooftop projects: 3 reasons why installers choose the CORE1

Since its launch in 2017, the Sunny Tripower CORE1, the first freestanding string inverter, has proven its value with installers for commercial megawatt projects. This is what Serge Communal, Technical Expert and Trainer at the SMA Solar Academy, observed. In daily contact with our (partner) installers, he accompanies them and advises them on technical questions relating to large rooftop projects. In this article, he explains why installers particularly appreciate CORE1.

SMA Schokoladenhersteller in Dubai stellt auf Solarstrom um

Dubai’s chocolate manufacturer switches to solar power

Chocolate and the sun are actually not a good combination, but the La Ronda chocolate factory in Dubai proves the two can go together very well. The factory is now relying on solar power to manufacture its speciality "Chocodates." The goal is to produce the Chocodates with a zero-carbon footprint.

Asonele Kotuby Asonele Kotu (guest post), , 3 Comments

SMA is looking for solar pioneers

SMA is looking for PV pioneers who laid the foundation for a sustainable, decentralized energy supply with their PV systems many years ago. With their enthusiasm for photovoltaics, they paved the way for today’s energy transition. All PV system operators who installed an SMA solar inverter or battery inverter in the early years of photovoltaics and are still producing solar power today can participate in the photo campaign. SMA will be giving away 15 solar outdoor packages. The closing date for all entries is December 31, 2020.

Green restart - when, if not now?

Green restart – when, if not now?

After a long break, people around the world will again take to the streets at Fridays for Future protests for more climate protection tomorrow. This is very much a good thing. Despite the coronavirus pandemic, the climate crisis must not be allowed to slip out of view for politics, business and society. On the contrary: the coronavirus crisis has shown what is possible when all players pull together. We must now use this momentum to stop climate change.

E-Auto zu Hause laden – so geht´s

Charge your electric vehicle at home

The energy transition is also taking place on the road: More and more electric vehicles suitable for everyday use are ensuring the increasing electrification of transportation. An important goal of the mobility transition is to reduce CO₂ emissions in order to achieve climate protection targets. The charging current must then also be generated from renewable energies. PV system operators can charge their electric vehicle with electricity from their own PV system. Solar power from the roof thus is turned into green mileage on the road. Find out here how you can charge your electric vehicle safely and cost-effectively at home with the SMA charging solution.

SMA Malawi

Malawi village powered up with solar-based microgrid

Der Moment, der das Leben der Dorfbewohner in Mthembanji veränderte, kam in einem 20-Fuss-Container: Im Juli 2020 startete das afrikanische Dorf ein solares 12-kWp-Mikronetz. Damit konnten 60 Haushalte und Kleinunternehmen erstmals elektrisches Licht einschalten.

Asonele Kotuby Asonele Kotu (guest post), , 6 Comments
Zurück am Netz: SMA Lösung sichert Solarerträge in Australien

Back on the grid: SMA solution secures energy yields in Australia

Solar power production is finally up and running again at full capacity in West Murray, Australia. The generation caps, which were imposed on five PV power plants over a period of seven months, have now been lifted. And this is all thanks to an innovative control software installed on all the inverters in the PV farms. The software was developed by various experts including SMA’s Christian Hardt and Daniel Premm, who worked around the clock to get the job done.

So geht prognosebasiertes Laden

How forecast-based charging works

Thanks to the SMA forecast-based battery charging feature, PV system operators can generate higher PV yields and also lengthen the calendar service life of batteries. With our checklist, you can configure your system in Sunny Portal accordingly, ensuring that no valuable solar power is lost in the future while also extending the service life of your devices.