Concevoir son projet avec PVsyst : 3 choses à savoir pour une utilisation optimale du logiciel

Designing your project with PVsyst: Three things to know for optimal use of the software

The design stage of a PV system is crucial to ensure optimal production from the installation and to secure the investment objective. There are several software tools that perform simulations according to the configuration of the installation, its location, orientation and energy requirements, including PVsyst. In this article, Julien Le Bars, Applications and Project Engineer at SMA France, shares his three points for optimal use of the tool (version 7.2.1).

Sunny Design - No fear of shading on PV systems

No fear of shading on PV systems

The Sunny Design planning software has been used to plan millions of PV systems worldwide since 2007. The new release coming out in late April lets you precisely model where shading might be on the modules and shows you where direct irradiation is lost.

Solaranlage auf sechs Zoll

A PV system on a 6-inch screen

Benjamin Blaurock and his team developed two apps at the same time last year: SMA 360° is a digital all-purpose tool to support installers in their daily business. With SMA Energy, plant operators keep an eye on their energy system at all times and can charge their electrical vehicle intelligently. In this interview, he talks about the launch of the mobile applications, what new features will soon be available and when intelligent energy management will be possible with SMA Energy.

SMA Nie wieder Energiekosten

Never pay for energy again

The Fischer/Ruszynski family in Kassel, Germany, generates more energy with their PV system than their household actually needs. The secret to their success: integrated energy. By undertaking their own personal energy transition, they have cut 95% of their energy costs and now consume far fewer natural resources than before. In this article, they share their checklist for people who want to follow in their footsteps.

Ralf Ruszynskiby Ralf Ruszynski (guest post), , 0 Comments

Solar power for water-scarce Yemen communities

Clean water is of vital importance in Yemen, one of the world’s most water-scarce countries. Long distances to reach the water supply, the polluting and expensive operation of pumps and the risk of infections such as cholera caused by contaminated drinking water are part of the daily routine for the people of Yemen. The Yemeni government has now started a program for a sustainable water supply.

Asonele Kotuby Asonele Kotu (guest post), , 7 Comments
SMA Frohe Weihnachten

Happy holidays and a healthy and prosperous 2021!

A strange year in every respect is coming to an end. The global corona crisis has presented us all with unexpected challenges in recent months, which had to be mastered from one day to the next. In the process, however, we have also discovered opportunities and become acquainted with completely new - digital - ways of working together with customers, suppliers and partners. We would like to sincerely thank you for your trust in SMA, especially in a situation that is very challenging for all of us. Let us continue to drive the energy transition forward together in the coming year.

Five ideas for a digital Christmas party

Can it also work digitally? As planning for this year’s Christmas party approached and it became clear that there was no way we would be able to meet “for real,” we were skeptical. Is it possible to get into the festive spirit when you’ve been sitting in front of the screen all day? But a few rounds of brainstorming later it was clear that this could work.