City with stable energy supply lighted at night.

Grid stability and secure returns with renewable energies

The energy transition will succeed only if the majority of our electricity is generated from renewable energy sources. But these are subject to weather-dependent fluctuations. The SMA Energy System for battery-storage power plants provides grid-forming capability, which is currently provided by decentralized power plants, and feeds green electricity with a stable frequency into the utility grid. This turns power plant owners and operators into key players on the electricity market.

Daniel Duckwitzby Daniel Duckwitz (guest post), , 2 Comments

Isabella talks about passion for innovation and communication at eye level

As a product manager at SMA, Isabella Caschetto and her team develop digital services for new business models of large-scale PV and battery storage systems – essential energy sources for the future renewable energy supply. Customers include PV and battery power plant operators as well as grid operators from all over the world. For them, grid stability and the supply reliability of renewable energies are key issues.

Wechselrichter für Hochstrommodule: Auf die richtigen Werte kommt es an - Das große Missverständnis I DC max

Inverters for high-current modules:
the great IDC max misconception

The PV industry is using high-current modules to combat rising system costs. This type of module consists of M10 or larger PV cells, which can accommodate correspondingly high MPP currents (>12 A). Read on to find out what needs to be taken into account in the choice of inverter and what kind of misconceptions can commonly be encountered, as well as the difference between short-circuit current and maximum input current.

SMA EV Charger & Co. – das bringen die neuen Updates

Service tip: SMA EV Charger etc. – The Benefits of the Latest Updates

Whether charging multiple electric vehicles, protecting the SMA EV Charger against unauthorized access or allowing you to use lots more new features, the upcoming e-mobility updates in SMA Energy Systems Home will offer a whole range of new and highly practical features. This article tells you more about the latest features available with the SMA EV Charger, Sunny Home Manager 2.0 and SMA Energy app along with some things you need to bear in mind.

Working Out Loud at SMA: How Networking Facilitates Collaboration

How do I tackle new and complex issues? What can I offer others and where can they help me? These questions relating to collaboration are central in today’s information society in a constantly changing world. Encouraging employees to communicate and share ideas is all the more important. In this interview, Anne Schreiber, Change Agent at SMA, explains how the method of Working Out Loud can help.

Five myths about DC power optimizers

When it comes to power electronics at the module level, the world’s photovoltaic markets are divided. While it is very common for solar technology specialists in the U.S. to install power optimizers (MLPE) in PV systems to meet the relevant installation regulations, these devices are the subject of considerable controversy in the rest of the world. Sweden, for example, has even issued a partial ban on the sale and installation of power optimizers from one major manufacturer because they do not meet the applicable electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements.* So what’s the story with MLPE? What is really technically relevant, and what is just clever marketing? We resolve five common myths about power optimizers.