Generating Its Own Energy: Company Uses Flat Roof for Solar Power Production
Solar system lowers energy costs and promotes environmental goals: Sunny Tripower CORE1 solar inverter from SMA is easy to install on a flat roof.
Solar system lowers energy costs and promotes environmental goals: Sunny Tripower CORE1 solar inverter from SMA is easy to install on a flat roof.
It’s been a year since the residents of the Efficiency House Plus homes in Hügelshart, Germany, moved in. They have already experienced one hot summer and their first winter. So how have these innovative, low-energy homes featuring their own PV systems, battery-storage systems and heat pumps fared during this time?
Invest and keep operating, or dismantle it? Ideally, this is a question that operators of PV power plants only have to ask when a plant is nearing the end of its planned productivity period.
The European elections once again made it clear that climate protection is becoming a central issue for more and more people Even after the elections, effective countermeasures by politicians are not yet in sight. This means that it is all the more important that companies take the initiative.
With Yammer, we have launched an enterprise social network (ESN) at SMA. This means that we use not only e-mail, chat functions and the telephone but also communities to discuss job-related issues within the company. A workshop with our Yammer admins and community manager Katharina Krentz from Bosch identified additional potential for lively communities.
Regular maintenance of large central inverters is important to ensure maximum efficiency and long-term profitability of the entire PV project. In order to make preventive maintenance work and acute corrections to individual components as easy as possible, SMA presented a new app for electricians at Intersolar 2019. (Video)
Year in, year out, Intersolar Europe is one of my top events. Last week, the international PV industry descended on Munich again, and the atmosphere was the best it has been in a long time.
Last summer, we basked in unprecedented levels of sunshine — and PV systems have never produced so much energy. The costs for solar technology are falling, investments and new installations are increasing, while new business models are encouraging substantial growth. If you’re not already using solar power, now is the time to reconsider. At Intersolar Europe 2019, SMA will be showing how easy it is to install and expand PV and storage solutions for a diverse array of applications. Below is a sneak preview of what’s coming up.
“No more fossil fuels on this island.” These were the words of Hollywood legend Marlon Brando. Since April 2019, the luxury private resort on the island of Tetiaroa in the South Pacific has been receiving a near around-the-clock supply of solar power. Here, guests can enjoy luxury-level comfort and convenience while having the opportunity to experience how humans and nature can co-exist in complete harmony.
The U.S. is one of SMA's most important sales markets and, in the estimation of the Managing Board, will make a significant contribution to the expected increase in sales and earnings in the second half of the year. This assessment was reinforced by my visit to the U.S. in mid-April.