Online Capability Now Standard With Sunny Boy Inverters

Starting immediately, all private system operators can monitor their solar systems online. This is now possible because all current Sunny Boy inverters of up to 6 kilowatts come with a Webconnect interface as a standard feature. The devices thus have free access to online monitoring. We would like to answer some questions on the subject of online monitoring with Webconnect.
What are the advantages of all this?
Online monitoring ensures your yields for the long term—and therefore your investment. In contrast to on-site monitoring, you can access your system data from any computer, tablet or smart phone connected to the Internet. This makes the power generated by photovoltaics transparent at all times.
What exactly is Webconnect?
Webconnect is an SMA feature that functions as the technical interface between the inverter and Internet. This interface allows inverters to access two SMA online portals at the same time: The known Sunny Portal and relatively new Sunny Places, our community portal.
Which inverters are now equipped with Webconnect?
Almost all inverters now have online capability. The Sunny Boy TL, its little Single Tracker brother and the small 1.3 to 2.1 kW Sunny Boys now all come with a Webconnect interface as a standard feature*. The Sunny Boy 240 module inverter and the 5 to 12 kW Sunny Tripowers also have integrated Webconnect technology.
Important note: Before ordering and purchasing the inverter from the installer, please make sure that it belongs to the Sunny Boy series including the integrated Webconnect functionality.
What else do I need?
Just an Internet connection and a router, which most people already have in their homes. Plug the inverter’s network cable into the router and register on Sunny Portal. The connection is simply plug-and-play.
Do I have to make a decision whether to use Sunny Portal or Sunny Places?
No. You do have to register on Sunny Portal initially and activate your system there. However, after that you can include your system in Sunny Places and use both portals in parallel. Sunny Portal, the world’s largest online portal for photovoltaic systems, offers many options for displaying and analyzing data, while the new Sunny Places community portal focuses on clear visualization and communication with other system operators.
Will I also need a Sunny WebBox?
No, with private, traditional photovoltaic systems it’s not necessary to use the Sunny WebBox. Here, the options offered by Sunny Portal and Sunny Places are fully sufficient for most users. We recommend the Sunny WebBox for operators of larger systems, who would like a higher level of detail in the analysis and visualization of their system data.
SMA also offers Sunny Explorer. What do I need that for?
Sunny Explorer is SMA’s service tool. In principle, it’s only needed if a solar system is, or is to be, operated without an Internet connection. In this case, it can be used for local monitoring. If there is access to Sunny Portal and Sunny Places—as, for example, when Sunny Boy inverters are used with standard Webconnect—it’s unnecessary for many customers.
Can I still equip an inverter with an optional interface, such as the one for RS485?
Of course. Current inverters, such as the Sunny Boy TL and the TL Single Tracker, can be integrated without any problem in systems that communicate via RS485. The optional RS485 interface makes this possible. Communication via Bluetooth® also continues to be possible with current inverter versions. Devices, such as the Sunny Boy TL and the TL Single Tracker, have the Bluetooth interface installed as a standard feature, while other inverters, such as the Sunny Boy 1300 TL, 1600 TL and 2100 TL, can be retrofitted with the interface upon request.
I hope we were able to answer all of your questions. If you have additional questions, simply write a message in the comments and we will be happy to answer.
Learn more
Direct data exchange with additional devices
*applies as of production date October 1, 2014
How much internet data does the Sunnyboy inverter use? Our home internet useage has soared in the week our inverter has been on and connected to our WiFi.
Hello Jess,
Please consider that the article you are referring to is from 2014.
To date, there have been significant developments in inverters, system communication and the Internet standard. For further support, please contact your local installer or – alternatively – the SMA Service.
Sunny regards
I have moved into a house which has a SB3000HF-30, serial number 2120089007. I do not know the date of manufacture or installation! I would like to monitor the output remotely via wifi or bluetooth! Is this possible?
Hello Geoffrey,
Please contact our SMA Service for further help.
Sunny regards
Hello .
I have an older SB3000 inverter.
The question is can I not inject energy into the grid with the help of an energy mater?
Thank you.
Hello Horia,
Assuming that you mean our SMA Energy Meter, you will find more information here.
Please contact our SMA Service in case further technical support is requested.
Sunny regards
sunny boy sb3000tl-us-22 us80. org Does it work without power L1 N J2
Hello Faisalrr,
Please contact our SMA Service for further support.
We need more technical information in that case.
Thank you.
Sunny regards
My system was installed December 2015, but it doesn’t seem to have WebConnect! Have I been done by my installer, and is there anything I can do now? When the system was installed, I did repeatedly ask if I could access it through the web as I was often away!
Hi Allan,
Can you tell which advice is installed in your system?
Sunny regrads,
Bonjour, j’ai un SUNNY BOY 5.0 – SB5.0-1AV40 depuis le 27 juillet 2018.
A la maison j’ai un WIFI et je ne parviens JAMAIS à établir une connexion WIfi avec le SMA :
– soit je déconnecte la liaison avec le WIfi maison
– ou je la laisse.
De plus le mode d’emploi est plus que succinct, il n’y a aucune information concernant le wifi.
C’est impossible. D’avance merci
Bonjour Maton,
Please contact your installer, he knows your system and the local conditions the best. Otherwise you can contact an IT expert or sign in on our Service-Line for help.
Sunny regards,
I have a SB3600-20TL will the SWBP-10 work with this, if not what are the alternatives to monitor via the internet
Hello Buster,
You can read out the inverter via Bluetooth or RS 485 BUS and the appropriate datalogger.
Sunny regards,
Hi, I have an Sunny Boy SB 5000TL-US-22 inverter…I’m using at the moment here in US. My question is if I will purchase a similar one and ship it to Europe will it work without any problems there?…Europe is using 220v power with 50 Hz frequency since here , in US the frequency is 60 Hz….I will appreciate if someone can answer to my question.Thank you.
Hi Inout,
Referring to your inquiry I need to inform you that running US-Devices in Europe could generate several problems.
I am not talking about frequences, beacause it can be switched easily from 60Hz to 50Hz therefore there aren’t any problems with it at all.
It is much more about the inverters intended use and the type of grid for which the inverters are certificated-/made for (Split Phase, Delta IT).
Commissioning Solar Systems in Europe also requires certificates and declarations of confirmities.
I`m not sure at all if US-Devices are fulfilling this european requirements yet.
Apart from that, once you installed a US-Device somewhere in Europe, there`s neither Support nor Service available there, only at SMA-US.
Sunny regards,
I have a sB3600TL-21 but cant seem to connect to it via wifi … does it have a built in wifi i can connect to ?
Hello Jürgen,
Referring to your inquiry, I need to inform that inverter typ SB3600TL-21 don`t have WiFi interfaces at all. There`s neither built in nor any retrofitting options for.
Standardly equipped with an Bluetooth interface, your inverter can be optionally retrofitted by an Speedwire–WebConnect-Interface for free Portal Registration.
Kind regards,
I am planning to set a solar system without battery and the utility grid will automatically top up (not take over) when there is a power shortage of the solar power system. However the solar system can also export the power surplus to the grid. This will be done by using two power-meters provided by the utility company. Is any other communication system / energy management unit needed other than SB5.0-1AV-40? Thanks w/ best regards.
Hello Berdy,
please send us an E-Mail at with all your questions and where you come from. We will then forward your request to the sales department in charge. Our colleagues there will clarify everything.
Kind regards, Jennifer
I need a SPW-WebconPB-IA-en-11W for my SB 1300TL-10. Where can I order this?
Hello Silver,
To answer this question, please tell us where you come from.
Kind regards, Carolin
I have an SB7000TL-US-22 inverter that has been online since May, 2016. I installed the Webconnect module and it was easy enough to set for reporting to Sunny Portal (which it does perfectly). However, this inverter model features dual MPPT Channels. When I view power output using Sunny Explorer, I can monitor each MPPT channel individually. Is it possible to view each MPPT channel via Sunny Portal? If so… what do I need to do?
Hello Jules,
We regret to tell you that it is not possible to monitor each MPPT channel simultaneously at Sunny Portal. Thank you very much for your understanding.
Kind regards,
I have just found this thread and want to know what options I have to monitor my 4000TL-20 inverter installed in February 2012. WebConnect is just what I am looking for but I would like to understand what is available/cost/how it is fitted…
Hi Simon,
I suppose that it is better if you constact your installer who can helps you. But nevertheless I have some information for you: The Webconnect Data Module is provided as a retrofit kit or is pre-installed in the inverter. Please understand that it must only be installed in the following inverters as of firmware version 2.51:
• Sunny Boy 2500TLST-21 / 3000TLST-21 / 3000TL-21 / 3600TL-21 / 4000TL-21 / 5000TL-21
• Sunny Tripower 8000TL-10 / 10000TL-10 / 12000TL-10 / 15000TL-10 / 17000TL-10 / 15000TLEE-10 / 15000TLHE-10 / 20000TLEE-10 / 20000TLHE-10
If the inverter installed is of type SB4000TL-20, we regret to tell you that it is not possible to equip your unit with a Webconnect data module.
To learn more about our products, please do not hesitate to visit us at
kind regards,
Is it possible to retro fit wi-fi capability to a Sunny Boy 1200 which was purchased in December 2012?
Hi Trevor,
We regret to tell you that it is not possible to retrofit one inverter of type SB 1200 with a WI-FI communication interface.
Kind regards,
Recently had 2 SB6000TL-US-22 inverters with 34 panels installed. We were told that there is a wireless data module that could be purchased so as not having to wire to my wireless router. What do I need exactly and cost. Does the data module have built in wireless capability or do I still need to buy additional items to make this all work inorder to do tracking?
Hello Nancy,
in this case, please contact the service from SMA America (
My colleagues will be glad to assist you further.
Regards, Lucas
I have two Sunny Boy 5000TL-US-22 742 and 748.
I had to replace my DSL modem/router and now one of my inverters is not reporting any data. Is there an easy way to reset it? Or what do I have to do to get it back online?
I tried to register on the online service center but it won’t let me. There’s no USA choice for location, so it won’t accept my address. I tried to submit my question without registering but it says my inverter SN doesn’t match the product type, and won’t let me go any further.
Dear Peter,
We regret to hear you are having some troubles connecting your unit to our Sunny Portal.
First, please restart all units according to the manual.
Please make sure that the newest firmware version is installed on all inverters.
The version can be downloaded at our homepage in the download area. Please read carefully the instruction manual before performing the update.
If the issue persists, we would like to recommend you to contact directly our colleagues at the Service Line in the US. They will be glad to assist further.
Kind regards,
Hi, I am in the UK and have a SB3600TL 4kw solar panel system, installed in July 2012. It has Bluetooth but it’s connection was very slow, so I quickly gave up downloading its data to my laptop.
How far back does the inverter hold the generation data? Does it have its entire 4 year history?
Is it worth adding an Ethernet connection pack so I can download all the data history to my laptop faster and will this then allow me to connect it to the internet so I can remotely monitor it?
Thank you
Hello Duncan,
Referring to your inquiry, I`d like to inform that Inverter as SB3600TL-20/21, are equipped with a sort of toroidal core memory. This typ of devices are commonly logging datas up to 60 days backwards. If you`d like to log all cumulated datas from date of commissioning, you just need to have a data logging system as Sunny Web Box, Solar Log or even Meteo Control to be installed.
Kind Regards,
PS: Did you know: Our warranty concepts offer both security and flexibility. In addition to a five-year manufacturer’s warranty you can choose from further contract options. The new SMA warranty concept is not only reliable but also flexible. With the extended warranty there are no hidden costs. If service is required, we send you a replacement device with all necessary updates.
SB 3000tl-21 is fully question is I want to add another inverter but not SMA ..another brand which is hybrid..its okey for my SB inverter?
I have a sunny boy 2500 from 2011. I fitted it with the RS485 module and connected it to a RS485 to ethernet converter. I red in the manual that the sunny boy is made to handle this setup as you just need to mount the 3 jumpers (1 for the end of the S485 chain and the other 2 to symmetrize the RS485). I have done all this. I have setup the RS485 to ethernet converter as TCP server and made a TCP client connection to it to setup the virtual serial connection. when searching my inverter with sunny data 1.83 I have no luck. Is it possible to know how the setup the RS485 to ethernet module so that connection can be made?
Hey Michel,
First, please use the software Sunny Data Control 3.93 which can be downloaded at in the download area.
Please also bear in mind that the drivers for your converter has to be installed on the computer your inverter is connected to.
Then you have to make sure the correct interface is selected in the communication settings (Connection by > Network > Properties > IP address)
As soon as the steps above have been done, please try to connect to your inverter again.

If you have further questions, our Serviceline Benelux will be happy to help.
Regards, Leonie
Does WebConnect support drilling down into individual inverters? For inverters with two MPPT channels, can you drill down into individual channels? This information is essential to detect shading, failed panels, and so on.
Hi David,
via Webconnect and direct connection to Sunny Portal you receive basic information about yield and performance, a detailed parameter view is not possible. To get more in-depth information from the pv-plant you can use either
– MODBUS protocol and commands to get in touch with the Webconnect Module (all channel parameters can be read with this direct communication) or
– SMA Cluster Controller for data logging and direct communication with the inverter. With this configuration more detailed information can be shown on Sunny Portal or direct in the user interface of the Cluster Controller. The datalogger will be connected via Ethernet to the Inverter (Webconnect module).
On the SMA website you´ll find more information regarding Cluster Controller or Modbus possibilities.
Best regards,
Dear madam/sir,
We are installed a stp 60 two numbers with inverter manger
We are trying to commission but it doesn’t show the inverters on my pc
Can you please helpme
Dear mister Ganesh,
Thanks for contacting us.
Most important is that you connect all the inverter on the lan 2 port of your inverter manager, the lan 1 port needs to be connect with and router with dhcp function, in the network as your computer. If that installation is done successfully you can start the Local commission Service tool (LCS), for further steps. You can download it under and it is available for free.
In case you need further information please let us know your location and we will pass you to the responsible service department.
I have a Sunny Boy 5000TL-US connected to my AT&T Uverse router NVG599. The method of connection is through TP-Link TL-PA2010. I was up and running for 11 days, monitoring my solar
output from the Sunny Portal web site, when my web connection some how stopped working.
The Best I can figure out is the SMA Inverter is not sending any thing to the Portal. I have lost
at least 4 days of data. I was informed that the SMA Inverter stores data in its memory, and is recoverable. I have reason to doubt this fact and would like to have more specifications explaining how the Inverter works. Thank you
Hi Claude,
As we need your login information, please contact our Service Line directly via or phone: +49 561 9522-2499
They will be happy to help.
We have an SMA 5000TL 5KW Inverter.
Our Local Installer has no idea on how to connect via Blue Tooth or software required.
Can I find links on this site to assist?
Hi Greg,
I hope this document will solve your problem.
Best Regards,
I have just had installed Yesterday a sunnyboy 3600 TL, my installer isn’t ANY Help with the internet side of things…
(He told me that I probably needed to get a speedwire module) if I want to view the performance online
the brochure says tha t sunnyboy is fully integrated with Bluetooth.
My laptop sees the device and is paired up but the registering portal after asking for the PIC and RIC numbers, cannot pick up the Inverter and tells me to check the internet connection to the inverter.
Do I need to have a cable from the inverter to my modem??
my Installer doesn’t reply to my emails on the subject, please Help ( Inverter in roof space < 10 metres) U.K
with the Bluetooth connection you can pair the inverter to a SMA Datalogger like WebBox with Bluetooth or Sunny Home Manager.
These devices can send data to our Sunny Portal – for these dataloggers no PIC and RID are needed. Direct data transfer from your inverter to Sunny Portal is possible with the Webconnect Data Module, not with Bluetooth. With this module you will get the individual PIC and RID to register the device. Maybe this module is still equipped in your inverter ( then it is located under the Display of the device – please do not open the inverter is you are not an electrician!). This module is connected to your router with a LAN cable.
If the data module is missing, you can buy it as a retrofit kit.
I hope that this answer helps and wish you a nice weekend.
Best regards,
Hi there, I had a Sunny Boy 3600TL fitted on Nov 2015 and am trying to connect it to the internet.
I have run an ethernet cable from the router to the Inverter but unable to find an ethernet port to plug into. I can connect via Sunny Explorer and Bluetooth but want the extra features of the net.
Being as this is a new inverter I’m assuming that the module for internet access should be already included. Somewhere.
Can anyone help please.
Hi John,
The webconnect data module is provided as a retrofit kit and it is required in order to use the Sunny Portal.
The following inverters are supporting the module:
• Sunny Boy 2500TLST-21 / 3000TLST-21 / 3000TL-21 / 3600TL-21 / 4000TL-21 / 5000TL-21
• Sunny Tripower 8000TL-10 / 10000TL-10 / 12000TL-10 / 15000TL-10 / 17000TL-10 / 15000TLEE-10 / 15000TLHE-10 / 20000TLEE-10 / 20000TLHE-10
Please make sure the newest firmware version is installed on the inverter before installing the data module. It can be downloaded at our homepage in the download area.
Kind regards,
Hi, I have a sunny boy installed in december 2012 with bluethooth functionality,
is there a possibility to ad an ethernet connection to use the webconnect? regards, Marco
Hi Marco,
What type of Sunny Boy do you have?
Best regards,
I wonder if there has a software or app about Sunny Portal and where I can get them.
Thanks&best regards,
Hello Rachel,
the following link about the Sunny Portal App should help you.
If you have any further questions, please ask.
Best regards,
I wonder if there has a software about Sunny Portal, not just a webpage.
Thanks&best regards,
I had a residential Sunny Boy 3300 installed in March 2011. Although my hand held Sunny Beam connects with Sunny Boy and is very reliable, the bluetooth connection to my Windows 8.1 PC is very irregular. I am using Sunny Explorer vers 1.07.17 to record data, using a ASUS 4.0 USB dongle. Model No. USB-BT400. I have updated the ASUS driver. Can you shed light on this situation?.
Hi David,
Thanks for your question. As this is a very special problem I suggest you contact your local Service Line. Where are you from?
Best regards
Hi, I’m planning to install a sunny boy 3600TL on my 12 pv panel system, i wish to ask you about this sunny boy 3600TL could i be able to see what energy each pv panel is producing and all working correctly or the result will be the total all together of all 12 pv pnaels? Thanks
Hello Ray,
Thanks for your question.
The SB3600TL has two different MPP trackers. You can monitor each input voltage and amps, either via the display or via Sunny Explorer. If you are interested in monitoring each panel please check with our free software Sunny Design if a Sunny Boy 240-10 is suitable for your panels. The device is the smallest inverter we ever build and you can track and monitor each panel with one inverter. A data upload from this inverter via Sunny Portal is also free of charge.
Warm Regards
Here’s the link zu Sunny Design:
have a new sunny boy SB4000TL-21 which was installed 7 days ago. I am having difficulty registering. Portal does not respond. I am registered on portal and sunny places
Congratulations to your new Sunny Boy :-).
In order to help you, we need more details (serial number, browser etc.). Please contact my colleagues from the SMA Service Line directly. They are happy to help you.
Best regards,
my second suspect that my inverter is not properly settings in our country..which is philippines..theres a code need to enter . If so how to set the unit . thanks again.
Please check these documents for further advide:
Best regards,
Please how can I fix my error message in my sb3000tl-21 ” PE connect missing ” I check my line using tester its all fine also my grounding is good..Please how to trouble shoot this.
Please make sure that the latest firmware is installed on your inverter. You find it in our download area. In order to help you, it is necessary to clarify the next steps for troubleshooting in a personal conversation. Please contact our Service Line. My colleagues are happy to help you. Please provide the following information:
-Internet provider
Best regards
Dang Ive encounter message in inverter PE connect missing
Thanks for the quick reply..I see the sticker label with PIC,& RID number.
SB 3000tl-21
serial # 2130352810
my question can i connect this to my wi-fi router. so that I can monitor my pv system. or need to purchase extra accessories for online monitoring.
In that case you will be able to connect the device to your router only if a network cable is used.
According to our systems, the speedwire/webconnect data module is already integrated.
Unfortunately it is not possible to establish a wireless connection between inverter and wi-fi router.
Best regards
sunny boy 3000tl-21
To help us process your request as soon as possible, we need additional information about your plant configuration.
Therefore we kindly ask you to let us know the serial number of your device.
Detailed information regarding the settings can also be found in the user manual of your inverter.
Best regards
I purchase my inverter is very newly one ( april 2015 ) from Germany and they made for philippines question can i connect this to my wi-fi router. so that I can monitor my pv system.
Just to be clear- is this ONLY for the UK?
For US installations, is a separate webconnect module still required?
Hey Eric,
I will ask my colleague in the U.S. He will be back on Monday.
Best regards and have a nice weekend
Hi Eric,
Sorry for the delay. Yes, for US installations the Webconnect module is still a separate purchase that will need to be installed in the inverter during or after the initial installation.
If I have more than one inverter can I see the power output of each individually in Sunny Portal or only the combined output?
Hi Marcos,
In Sunny Portal with Webconnect most diagrams are set for “plant-view” – that means summary of all inverters.

But with the point “inverter” you have also an visualization for the single inverters (only for the channel Energy).
You will find some information in this manual:
The inverters are shown in different colors – it looks like these examples:
Best regards
When will SAM introduce the small residential scale energy storage technology (battery pack) to the USA market?
Hi Jim,
Do you mean the Sunny Boy Smart Energy?
At the moment we are not planning to introduce this inverter to the US market.
But I’m sure my colleagues have a suitable alternative for you. Do you already know their blog?
Best regards
i just had a sunnyboy 4000tl fitted (uk)….how can i set up online monitoring…..can i use bluetooth with a windows smart phone?
do i need to connect to ethernet…………if so where is the socket to plug the cable in?
is it all plug and play or do i need too toggle menus on the inverter…if so how?
many thanks for any help offered
Hi Andy,
Could you please tell us the exact type of inverter and serial number?
Dear sir,
i am very interested to sell your products in india.karnataka state, mandya city, sir how can i get SMA solar inverters,
we already in the same field we are very interested to instal for domastic, petrol bunks,hospetals , college campus. requirement is from 1kva , 15kva ,30kva upto 60kva , can you help me to get nearby in karnataka state,, hope will do the needfull ,
thanking you
kumarswamy mandya
We just had a SB3000TL-US-22 installed with 11/2014 manufacture date. I asked our installer if we could connect it to the web. He ended up selling us the webconnect module for $250. After reading this article, it sounds like they shouldn’t have charged us for that? I can provide serial number and PIC/RID if that helps.
We are in Eugene, Oregon (USA). I’m beginning to think that the module is not included in the US models? Thank you.
Hi Daniel,
Our apologies for any confusion. At this time, only the European model inverters come with a factory integrated Webconnect module. If that should change for North American inverters, those like yours that end in -US-22, we’ll make a further announcement. Once again, sorry for the confusion.
How can I turn SI5048 in the overall monitoring system ? Have SI5048, Sunny Boy (Bluetooth), WebBox MIT Bluetooth? Thanks
Hey Evgeni,
Our Service Line will contact you directly via email. I think today you will find their answer in your inbox.
Best regards
Hi, we have a sunnyboy 4000 TL20, what is the best way of monitoring its performance? Are we able to make use of sunny portal? I currently use sunny explorer but it’s on an old pc and all our other devices are iPads or Macs? Many thanks Kirstie
Hi Kirstie,
Thanks for your request. Would you be so kind to contact our Service Line directly? They would be happy to help. Please choose your country on
Best regards
Your site says “immediately all private systems can monitor their solar systems online ….w/web connect interface as a standard feature” my solar system provider is now installing a SB6000T:-US-22,
manufactured 9/8/14, is this not covered in the latest technology? my installer says I must install an interface with installation $570. If my unit will not work,I think we should return for update or you should send us an updated PCB to include the features. Installation is scheduled this week.
Please advise.
Hi Ken,
the free Webconnect function is included in inverters of the type.
– SB 1300TL-10/1600TL-10/2100TL
– SB 2500/3000TLST-21
– SB 3000/3600/4000/5000/6000TL-21
beginning with production date 1st of October 2014.
All other inverters that don´t have Webconnect as standard feature or inverters that are manufactured before this date, are not sold with this free option at the moment.
An option is to buy an “Add on kit” to get the Webconnect function.
Best regards
My “Sunny Places’ bluetooth monitoring programme will not work. My installer tells me that this is because the computor is more than 15 metres from the inverter – they are 20 metres apart.
Is this scenario correct? (SB 3000TL-21. 2014-05-25)
I cannot see any reference to this in your company’s website, or in the Installation Booklet.
That the installers went ahead and did the installation knowing that this feature would not work is something that I will need to take up with them once you confirm my position.
We tested it using a portable PC – and 5 metres down the hallway it worked. Please advise.
Hello Gary,
The range of the integrated Bluetooth® module depends very much on the location of your inverter on site.
Armored concrete and metal doors or multiple walls between the inverter and the monitoring device can have a strong influence on the connection.
In order to find a practical solution for your location, please feel free to contact our Service Team at SMA Australia at Tel.: 02 9491 4200 (1800 SMA AUS) or send us an E-Mail to
Best regards
my laptop is more than 25 metres away and we manage to get a good stable connection for over 2 years.
Hey Simon,
Sorry to hear that. Have you already contacted our Service Line? Perhaps they can help you?
Here’s the number +49 561 9522-2499 and the contact form:
Best regards
je n’arrive plus à me connecter à SMA solar depuis mon smartphone je ne me souvient plus de mon mot de passe et identifiant
Si vous avez oublié votre mot de passe pour le Sunny Portal , vous pouvez créer un nouveau mot de passe en utilisant le ” mot de passe oublié ” demande de fonctionnalité . Le nom d’utilisateur correspond à votre adresse e-mail .
Le mot de passe est alors simultanément s’appliquent également au Sunny Portal application .
Au revoir
I have a a Sunny Boy SB 2500 inverter installed as part of a domestic PV system in February 2011. Is it possible to have a bluetooth module retrofitted or activated (an internet search of the inverter seems to imply that such a module was optionally installed but not activated?) so that I can get on-line monitoring of my system? Does it monitor through Sunny Portal or Sunny Places or can it be other such programs that give on-line monitoring of the performance? Regards Mike.
Dear Mike,
Thanks for your question. Because there are two versions of SB 2500, we need to know exactly which one you have: the discontinued Classic version or the new SB 2500 Single Tracker?
The new SB 2500 Single Tracker comes with Bluetooth and Webconnect as standard. That means, for example via Webconnect, it can easily and directly be connected to our Sunny Portal, and thus also to Sunny Places.
The old Sunny Boy 2500 version can only be retrofitted with RS-485 or Bluetooth. Webconnect is not possible.
However, these inverters can be connected to Sunny Portal / Sunny Places via Sunny WebBox.
If you want more detailed information, please feel free to contact the Service Line with your serial number at hand.
Best regards,