Isabella talks about passion for innovation and communication at eye level

As a product manager at SMA, Isabella Caschetto and her team develop digital services for new business models of large-scale PV and battery storage systems – essential energy sources for the future renewable energy supply. Customers include PV and battery power plant operators as well as grid operators from all over the world. For them, grid stability and the supply reliability of renewable energies are key issues.


What did you do before you joined SMA?

I completed my bachelor’s degree in energy and resource management and then started in energy consulting, where I supported large commercial and industrial customers. My work gave me profound insights into the energy market, and I started to realize that the future has to look different. The energy system is increasingly based on renewable energies, which presents us with new tasks and challenges. To manage and overcome these, digitalization is becoming increasingly important in the energy industry and new business models are emerging. That’s why I decided to pursue a master’s degree in digital energy management while working.


What made you change job?

I was contacted by SMA. When we talked about the job, it was clear that this was all about the future, about a new business model for energy systems and about digitalization. It was the perfect fit. It was also exactly the right time in my private life to make such a big change and so I said to myself, “It’s now or never” – this is such an exciting job! After two years, I have now changed jobs to become Product Manager for Digital Services, where I can continue along the path I’ve chosen.


And how do you like it at SMA, the pioneers of photovoltaics?

My fellow SMA colleagues are always open to new themes and ideas. This attitude of wanting to make a difference and of daring to put ourselves out there can be felt wherever you go.

There are so many experts here who are passionate about sustainable energy generation. It’s great to discuss ideas with them and find solutions. No matter where you go, you always find someone who is interested, someone who you can discuss ideas with and create synergies. Whether it’s in the internal Yammer network, at events like the SMA Technology Day or simply when you’re making yourself a coffee.


What message would you like to send to women in the world of work?

It’s important for me to stand by my opinion. I’m just as entitled to contribute my knowledge as anyone else. And besides, diverse teams are known to be more successful. I’ve experienced this for myself here at SMA. In some teams, I work primarily with men. Our interactions are always respectful, and we talk to each other as equals. Everyone can contribute their experience and knowledge, and we work together to make projects a success.

Something that’s happened to me before is that I would arrive at a meeting to find ten men sitting there, and the first question would be, “Isn’t your male colleague coming?” And I would say, “No, but I’m sure we’ll manage just fine!” And that would break the ice right away.

That’s why my message is: Don’t be afraid to be your authentic self and always contribute your ideas.


Thanks for the interview, Isabella.


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