– Or: What you shouldn't put in an application

Who hasn’t experienced sitting in front of an application and not knowing what to put in and what to leave out? Of course, you have to convince a potential employer that you are the one, in other words, to advertise yourself.
Over the Easter break, about 40 children of SMA employees learned exactly how to apply for jobs in a day-long workshop on job applications. Broken in the two groups (8th and 9th graders, and 10-13 graders) these students looked at all aspects of job applications. They were coached by the application training team from the Training Department, Dennis, Thomas and Melanie and SMA trainees Jessica, Laura, Isabel and Philipp, who could speak from their own experience.
Applying in Two Stages
Things got started after a short introduction round. The young participants started looking at exactly which points should be incorporated into a cover letter and resume. An employer wants to know a lot about each applicant. Thus,o a cover letter should describe exactly why you think you are right for the job. Ideally, you will bring some experience with you to your new job, and of course, things like that exchange you did to France are perfect, as long as the skills match the position you’re applying for. “If I were applying for a job as a baker, my community college course in Chinese would obviously not be helpful,” says trainer Dennis. The main thing is to stay honest and to make a good, lasting impression (so, use a professional-sounding email address!) “Holes in your resume are not necessarily bad, as long as you can explain them,” he says.
Re-energized from lunch, things went right on into job interview training. After the basic theory and possible questions, the students could practice what they learned in faux interviews. Interview situations were practiced in a series of exercises to increase the kids’ self-confidence. I think they made great strides! You could see a lot of smiling faces after the interviews, and I think everyone was able to take something home with them.
So with that, best of luck to you all, and let the applications begin 🙂
Together, the group explored the elements of applications.
Kids learn what it’s all about at SMA’s application training.
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