
Climate Protection: Disappointment but Also Reason for Hope

Despite the valid criticism, the two important climate events that took place last week – the presentation of the German Federal Government’s climate package and the results of the UN Climate Action Summit – represent a start, at least in some areas. It is now a question of maintaining pressure to give us a chance of achieving the 1.5-degree goal.

Climate Change Protests: More Urgent Than Ever

Even though there has been a lot of negative news for the climate in the media in recent weeks, it is still worth taking to the streets for more climate protection. Tomorrow's global climate demonstrations are supposed to demonstrate: The time for talking is over, now we need decisive action.

How to make inverter password secure

The digitalization of the energy transition with intelligent networking through digital technology is in full swing. Secure passwords for data communication are essential. With our new password guideline you protect your solar plant against unauthorized access.

We Need the National Carbon Tax

A political consensus at the international level is still a long time coming despite the great urgency for effective climate protection. We should therefore now assume more national responsibility and quickly introduce a carbon tax. Other countries such as Great Britain, Sweden and Switzerland have long since done so.

Expert Tips for Internal Community Management

With Yammer, we have launched an enterprise social network (ESN) at SMA. This means that we use not only e-mail, chat functions and the telephone but also communities to discuss job-related issues within the company. A workshop with our Yammer admins and community manager Katharina Krentz from Bosch identified additional potential for lively communities.

Julia Wielandby Julia Wieland (guest post), , 0 Comments