Stress Management

Everybody experiences stress. Students and apprentices, homemakers and parents, office workers and sales representatives – all of us sometimes get...

Diana Thielby Diana Thiel (guest post), , 0 Comments

Moin, moin in Hamburg!

It is Friday, October 7, 2011, 7:20 a.m.. Fourteen trembling people are clutching their now lukewarm cups of coffee from...

Diana Thielby Diana Thiel (guest post), , 0 Comments

The countdown starts

Graduation was right around the corner, and then – what next? Which was the right path for me? Apprenticeship? University?...

Diana Thielby Diana Thiel (guest post), , 0 Comments

Going to the dogs

At the end of July, the little border collie mix puppy “Jack” decided to shake things up at the SMA...

Diana Thielby Diana Thiel (guest post), , 0 Comments

Travel and Work at SMA

Even after five weeks in California, I hadn’t gotten tired of the heat or the air conditioning or the burgers....

Kristin Kellnerby Kristin Kellner (guest post), , 0 Comments

Life in Kassel

So here we are, the employee blog. There are several interesting blog post categories to choose from, and I went...

Petra Krugby Petra Krug (guest post), , 0 Comments