Claiming your SolarCoins on Sunny Portal

[May 27, 2021 – Update SolarCoin Migration]: After a successful move, SolarCoin Foundation’s SolarCoins are now available on the Energy Web Foundation (EWF) blockchain. We will report on the most important changes here on the blog in a timely manner. Sunny Portal users who have not yet provided a wallet ID can continue to use the SolarCoins without restrictions. Please note the following: When applying for SolarCoins via Sunny Portal, no valid wallet ID from the new blockchain can be specified, as the corresponding field must remain empty.
[June 28, 2019 update: SolarCoin now also available for WebBox systems]: Operators and owners of PV plants connected via Webconnect, Sunny Home Manager or Sunny WebBox to Sunny Portal can now get an additional reward for their produced clean energy. With only a few clicks you get access to SolarCoin, the first energy-referenced currency.
What is SolarCoin?
SolarCoin, a blockchain-based crypto currency, was developed with a view to accelerating the energy transition. Like the networks for other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, the SolarCoin network is global and decentralized. In this case, however, the payout of SolarCoins is linked to a meaningful, cost-effective and environmentally friendly incentive: the generation of solar power.
SolarCoin is an open community project that was initiated in 2014 by founders of the SolarCoin Foundation and a group of volunteers. The SolarCoin Foundation rewards solar power generation by issuing blockchain-based digital tokens. One SolarCoin (SLR) is issued for each megawatt hour (MWh) of verified solar power production.
The SolarCoin reward is an additional bonus to existing incentive programs and is independent of other feed-in tariffs in place for solar power producers. Anyone who generates solar power and, as a result, avoids generating CO2 emissions in the long run can earn SolarCoins.
How can SolarCoins be claimed through Sunny Portal?
Through Sunny Portal it’s incredibly easy to claim your SolarCoins because you don’t need to submit all the documentation typically required for registration to provide evidence of the PV system’s ownership status, technical data, power generation capacity and identity. If you have one or more PV systems with a system capacity of up to 150 kWp registered in Sunny Portal and want to claim SolarCoins, just log in to with your e-mail address and password. To register your PV system for the SolarCoin program, you need admin rights for your system. If you don’t have them yet, please ask your installer.
Once you are logged-in, open “PV system properties” in the “configuration” part of the menu on the left side of your screen. To ensure the Foundation can perform data matching, please provide your complete system data. In some countries, the field “Country code” is somewhat confusing. It must also be filled in, so please enter for example the state, your district, department or country. On the next screen go to the tab “Data releases” to the right:
On the “Data releases” page, click the “Edit” button to change the settings and then check the “Consent to participate in the SolarCoin program” box:
Agree to the terms and conditions displayed and don’t forget to click on the “Save” button afterwards:
Now, the SolarCoin tile will appear in your PV system overview. After the status on the tile shows “SolarCoinApproved”, it might still take some time until you receive your first SolarCoins as the SolarCoin Foundation will need time to complete transfer of the coins. After that, your credit balance will be updated at regular intervals (depending on the size of the system the interval can be several months). If you register your system via Sunny Portal, you don´t need to register the system separately with the SolarCoin Foundation or the SolarCoin Explorer. Duplicate registration will prevent you from participating in the SolarCoin program.
A digital SolarCoin “wallet” is no longer required to submit a claim. The SolarCoin Foundation will manage users’ SolarCoins until they decide to redeem them.
By the way: SolarCoins are awarded retroactively for up to five years from the date of registration. Since April 2019, the interval for crediting your SolarCoins has been shortened from every six month to monthly. Get the current SolarCoin price here.
How can SolarCoins be used?
SolarCoins can be traded for conventional (fiat) currency on all major exchange portals. SolarCoins are an increasingly liquid valuable that can be paid out and tracked transparently. They are kept in digital wallets, can be managed on computers or mobile devices and can even be stored offline in paper form (paper wallet). The SolarCoin community is constantly evaluating use cases and business models for SolarCoin users.
If the project is successful and the demand for and price of SolarCoins rises, the digital incentive will increasingly represent an ever more significant share of a solar power producer’s revenues. Solar power can be sold or used as normal, with SolarCoin acting as an added bonus.
Solar industry companies are also encouraged to accept SolarCoins as a means of payment for their goods and services at the current exchange rate, which is listed on all well-known portals. At SMA, we are also exploring possibilities to make further use of SolarCoins, for example by providing additional services that can be paid for using SolarCoins.
Does the creation of SolarCoins use a lot of energy?
If users decide to use SolarCoins as a means of payment, they are making a conscious effort to prioritize environmental protection as the basis of their business activities. The SolarCoin blockchain uses an energy-efficient, proof-of-stake algorithm, which consumes 0.001% of the energy required by Bitcoin.
If you want to find out more about SolarCoin please contact:
I understood that with the new portal we can no longer get SolarCoin.
Did try to get them but I still have 0 and the status: SolarCoinApproved.
But I can no longer access the settings to add a wallet to the portal. And in the new portal it is also not showing the setting.
Thank you in advance, Evert
I want to transfer the SolarCoin I already have from my Sunny Portal custodial account to my own Metamask wallet. How can I do this?
After the transfer I will fill in my Metamask wallet id in Sunny Portal so that future coins will automatically be added to my wallet.
Thank you!
Hello Jan,
There are some changes after the migration of SolarCoin.
Please follow the steps described here.
In case you need any further assistance, please get back to us.
Sunny regards
Hi, thank you for your reply.
I am not really sure I understand how to proceed.
If I logon to my SunnyPortal I see that I currently have 10,955 SLR. In the configuration of the Data releases I have not specified a wallet ID at this time. So I assume these 10,955 SLR are currently stored on an SMA Sunny Portal custodial account.
I have now setup a Metamask wallet for the EnergyWebChain.
So, my question is, how can I transfer the 10,955 SLR from the SMA custodial account to my Metamask wallet?
Thank you.
Hello Jan,
Normally, the wallet is entered in the portal settings. As no entry was presumably made in the case described, the Foundation holds a “custodial account”. SMA is not involved here in any way. If the wallet is entered, a benchmark notification is sent to the Solarcoin server, which should then carry out the transfer after some time. Please contact the Foundation directly for further clarification.
Sunny regards
merhaba bende solar coin geçiş yapmak istedim . Metamask cüzdan oluşturdum . SMA sayfasında SLR ”Statü: SolarCoinPending ” bu şekilde yazıyor hiç hareket yok . Acaba yanlış bir kimlik mi ekledim yardımcı olurmusunuz. Günlük enerji üretimim 210 KW…
Hallo Ahmet,
die Meldung „Solarcoin pending“ ist vollkommen normal: Nachdem ein „Claim“ gestellt wurde und bei der Solarcoin Foundation eingegangen ist, bleibt der Zustand solange „pending“, bis die Prüfung durch die Solarcoin-Foundation abgeschlossen ist. Nach erfolgreicher Prüfung erhältst du die Meldung „SolarCoin approved“.
Mehr zur Migration der SolarCoins und den Änderungen gibt’s hier im Beitrag.
Sonnige Grüße
I have had a SolarCoin wallet active since 2017, however I had not added the wallet ID to my SunnyPortal account until today. I was aware of a few coins which had accumulated in my wallet. At present, the SolarCoins tile on SunnyPortal shows 0.0000 SLR. Is this normal and some is needed for updating of the wallet? Or has something got reset in some way and I now have no coins left in my wallet?
Hello Tiasha,
Please note that due to the migration of SolarCoin some changes have occured.
You will find more information here.
Sunny regards
I have the SolarCoin tile available and have been generating coins for some time already. How can I now move the coins to a wallet or exchange to be able to use my coins? Right now all I have is the tile in the portal with the number of coins.
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Hello Jasper,
have you already checked this article and followed it’s steps? There you find contacts for further help, if needed also.
Sunny regards!
Please, help me,
I want to join solarcoin project but I’m not able.
Solarcoin support doesn’t answer me and I’m still not able to get active the option in the Sunny Portal section, if not reported a wallet ID it doesn’t activate.
I’ve an account on Binance platform, but they tell me that solar coin is not available there, is that true?
If yes, how can then get a wallet to manage that crypto and to be able to manage the subscription in Sunny Portal?
My plant is installed in Italy.
Thank you for your support.
Best regards.
Hello M.Bernardi,
Please check carefully whether you have followed the registration process described in this article (also considering the update in the beginning).
Regarding the migration of SolarCoin and the changes for the users, please check this article.
In case you need further assistance, please get back anytime.
Sunny regards
Sehr geehrte Frau Keim,
ich beziehe mich auf meinen Post vom 07.05.21 auf den Sie freundlicherweise geantwortet haben. Bis heute – nach etwa einem Jahr – sehe ich keinen einzigen SolarCoin auf meinen mittlerweile zwei Anlagen (installiert Feb./März ’21), obwohl der Status bei beiden “SolarCoinApproved” besteht. Gehen Sie davon aus, dass dies immer noch mit der Migration zusammenhängt, oder gehen Sie von einer anderen Ursache aus? Vielen Dank.
Den ursprüngliche Post habe ich nochmals kopiert.
Viele Grüße,
Olaf Davidsmeyer
“Olaf Davidsmeyer
7. May. 2021 at 14:11
ich habe meine Anlage Anfang Februar 2021 in Betrieb genommen und alsbald den SolarCoin “classic” eingerichtet und die Wallet ID in der Konfiguration hinterlegt. Der Status steht auf “approved” (bisher) habe ich bei rd 3.000KWh noch keinen SolarCoin erhalten. Kürzlich habe ich gelernt das eine Migration von SCC zu Ethereum basierten Wallets/Coins vollzogen wurde. Diese Migration habe ich erfolgreich durchgeführt und verwalte das ganze wie empfohlen mit Metamask. Nun meine Frage:
Muss ich die Wallet ID in der Datenfreigabe der Konfiguration im Portal ebenfalls anpassen, damit die Coins gutgeschrieben werden, oder bleibt die vorherige ID erhalten? Mir scheint die ID ist nicht änderbar.
Vielen Dank und Grüße,
Olaf Davidsmeyer
Christiane Keim
Christiane Keim
12. May. 2021 at 16:04
Hallo Herr Davidsmeyer,
wenn die Migration erfolgreich und wie in den Anleitungen beschrieben durchgeführt wurde, besteht kein weiterer Handlungsbedarf.
Die walletID im Portal soll nicht geändert werden. Durch die Migration haben sich auch die „Überweisungen“ von Solarcoins verzögert.
Außerdem gibt es aktuell noch Anzeigeprobleme im Sunny Portal, die nicht durch SMA behoben werden können.
Die erforderlichen Anpassungen werden noch umgesetzt und dann sollte auch im Sunny Portal der richtige „Kontostand“ wieder angezeigt werden.
Beste Grüße
C. Keim”
Sehr geehrter Herr Davidsmeyer,
nach eingehender Prüfung können wir von unserer Seite leider nichts Weiteres für Sie tun. Es ist in der Tat sehr merkwürdig, dass Ihr Status bereits auf „approved“ steht. Bitte wenden Sie sich damit am besten direkt per Mail an den Solarcoin-Support:
Sonnige Grüße!
I tried different ways to activate my solarcoin wallet.
Created a new one on metamask, but it keeps getting rejected.
I assume because I tried different wallets for the same plant.
I have send a request via mail to them, but now for 2 weeks, still no answer.
Do you know how long it takes for them to respond normally?
Thx for helping out.
Hello Dave,
Due to the migration, it may take some time before you get a feedback from SolarCoin.
Please check our blog post here for detailed information on the changes due to the migration.
Hopefully it is helpful to you.
Sunny regards
Olá, sou do Brasil e estou tendo o seguinte problema, esta aparecendo essa mensagem na minha carteira ” SolarCoinPending” oq pode ser que esteja acontecendo?
After connecting my wallet and receiving initial payout of .001 SLR there has ben no activity for 5 months.
How long does it take for new Solarcoins to get added to my wallet?
Wallet address:
Hello Johnny,
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
Due to the migration to the new blockchain, it may take some time before you get a feedback.
In case you need further assistance regarding the migration and the changes, you may check you latest blog post here.
Please contact us in case you need any further help.
Sunny regards
Hello Christiane,
since 2019 I am earning SLR and I see my coins growing in the SunnyPortal.
Now I heard that the SLR has switched the block chain and I created a metamask wallet (according to the instruction of the solarcoin page.
But when I try to add my wallet ID to the sunny portal, I get the same error message “Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (InternalServerError)”.
And another wallet ID remain in the field.
Not I have three questions.
1. Are my coins in the sunny portal or in this old wallet ID?
2. How can I register my new wallet ID?
3. I created a new claim on the solarcoin page. Does this conflict with the sunny portal?
I am located in Germany.
Best regards
Hello Benjamin,
As announced, we got back to our in the German section of our Blog.
Sunny regards
When entering my Wallet address, I receive the error “Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (InternalServerError)”. How should I proceed?
Hello Seb V,
We were able to clarify this error directly with the SolarCoin Foundation.
The Solarcoin Foundation made all necessary corrections.
So it should work out now, please try again and verify whether all of your additional entries are correct.
Sunny regards
Each time I’m trying to provide my new metamask Wallet-Id, I’m receiving following error :
“Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (InternalServerError)”
Could you please assist me in this matter ?
Thank you.
Hello Benoit,
We were able to clarify this error directly with the SolarCoin Foundation.
The Solarcoin Foundation made the necessary corrections.
So it should work out now, please try again.
Sunny regards
Hi Christiane,
I tried again but I’m still getting the same error message.
“Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (InternalServerError)”
Would it be linked to the fact I previously agreed on data exchange with my old wallet id (the one on solarcoin blockchain) ?
Hi Christiane,
I just retried today and worked ! 🙂
Many thanks for your help.
Hello Benoit,
Thank you for your feedback – good to hear that it is working now!
Sunny regards
I have been signed up for a while now, about a year I think. My PV System Overview had been showing I had accumulated approximately 81 SLR. My SolarCoin Wallet never showed anything. I’m not sure if this number of SLR Sunny Portal shows, is actually transmitted to my wallet or not? In the last few days I went through the migration process per their directions. I have now converted my wallet and it’s still not showing my SLR. SolarCoin support said sometimes the balance does not get automatically migrated. Since I never saw my balance in the SolarCoin wallet, I’m not sure if SMA ever credited my wallet. I have checked my Wallet address with my Sunny Portal and everything matches. I have not changed my Sunny Portal settings at all, I read the old wallet will still credit my earnings to the new wallet after I convert. Today, looking at my Sunny Portal Overview I see my Solar Coin section is now blank. My SLR is no longer there? Is that because I migrated my wallet? Can something please explain what’s going on with this program? Thanks!
Hello George,
We need more technical information for further support.
For that reason, we will contact you directly.
Sunny regards
Because of the migration from the solarcoin blockchain to the EWF blockchain I tried to update my wallet address in the Sunny Portal (in the data releases section). I propably unsubscribed and tried to fill in my new wallet ID (Wallet public address), but this fails saying : ” Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (ValidationError)” I get the same error when I leave the wallet ID empty. Please advise.
Hello Jan,
There are different reasons for this, which in the broadest sense are related to interface problems between the systems of SMA and Solarcoin. We are currently working on a joint solution and therefore ask you for a little patience – thank you!
Sunny regards
Ok, thanks for getting back to me. Jan
Hi Christine,
From some months my portal says Status: SolarCoinApproved. However I have the balance of 0 despite my panels were able to produce some number of MWh of energy. I have not registered anywhere except providing my ETH wallet number in the sunnyportal settings page. When can I see some solarcoins on my sunnyportal page or in my ETH wallet 🙂 ETH is expenmsive now so would be nice 🙂
Hello Konrad,
Due to the migration, the “transfers” had been delayed during the transition period.
In addition, the “Account balances” were not displayed in Sunny Portal in some cases. These restrictions should no longer occur as the adjustments have been made.
So therefore everything should work out fine after you have registered successfully.
Sunny regards
In that case something is wrong. I have not registered anywhere except approving data transfers on sunnyportal. I’ve understood from main page here I should not worry about registering on the SolarCoin foundation. My status says SolarCoin Approved. So not sure what can be wrong? My balance still shows 0 and I have not received any coins.
Hello Konrad,
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
Do problems described still occur? Just to make sure that there are no misunderstandings: Have you registered to participate in the SolarCoin program? That’s different to approve data transfer on sunynyportal.
Sunny regards
Hello, I am contacting you concerning the Claim SolarCoin program, integrated in the SMA products. After the migration to the Energy Chain ETH, the data enable form of SMA Sunny Portal does not accept the new Wallet. I have contacted SMA Service, but they have not resolved my case. Request number 406036462.
Thank you and have a nice day
Hello Mirko,
Sorry for getting back to you delayed.
The error message described seems to be also based on the changeover and is due to the changed format of the Wallet ID. If the “old” wallet ID is still displayed, but you can see the correct account balance, there is no need for a change. The display will be changed as part of further adjustments and should soon show the correct ID.
Hopefully this delayed feedback was helpful 😉
Sunny regards
I am in the US, I used to have my SMA portal working (before migration). I removed my wallet a while ago and was waiting till the backend work on SMA was done. When I add my my new Meta Mask walled ID into SMA I get this message “Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (ValidationError)” Any help would be appreciated. thanks
Hello David,
This error message may be is due to different causes. In the broadest sense it is related to interface problems between the systems of SMA and SolarCoin.
We are working on a joint solution.
Sunny regards
I am signed up for more than 9 months now and still do not see any Solarcoin in my wallet.
What do I need to do to see my Solarcoin Balance in my wallet?
(I am trying it with the new Ethereum based wallet as well as the old fashioned SC Wallet (v
Hello Sven,
May be the problems are caused by doing the registration twice.
SMA has done all necessary steps to solve problems regarding the balance of the SolarCoins caused by the migration.
Please try again using only the new Ethereum based wallet.
Otherwise please get back again.
Sunny regards
My SolarCoins are missing. Normally I should have 57 coins…. The counter was for a long time on 47 coins…. For more then 6 months no coins have been added…Then suddely it showed 7 coins (so 40 coins have been removed) …. Now it shows 15,125 coins… So I miss +- 42 coins
Hello Marc,
Due to the migration to the new blockchain, it may be that transitionally the information was not correct.
In the meantime, SMA has made all necessary adjustments for this point. Please check the account balance and the required information again.
Sunny regards
Hello. When I try to add my client to the SolarCoin program, the checkbox (page Data releases) is grayed out.
I also find a message in red “In order to be able to participate in the SolarCoin program, please completely indicate the location of the system beforehand.”.
The location is correctly indicated with its postal adress and its gps coordinates. I don’t know what else I can add.
Hello Per,
Please check whether you have filled in the field “country code” as described in the second paragraph.
It must also be filled in.
So please enter for example the state, your district, department or country.
Sunny regards
Thank you Christine, it was the State field missing. We don’t use State to identify an adress or a property in France so I left it blank. I now filled it in with the name of our region and it works. Cheers !
Hello Per,
Yes, it’s a common error.
Good to hear that it is working now!
Sunny regards
I am receiving the following error op regarding the solar coins
Status: SolarCoinRejected
Am I doing anything wrong?
Hello Marios,
The error indicates a problem with the verification of the installation.
The exact reasons have to be asked at the Solarcoin Foundation as SMA has no influence on this item.
Please contact the SolarCoin-Foundation directly.
Sunny regards
I am getting this Error when trying to sign up with a metamask wallet:
Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (InternalServerError)
Hello Johnny,
As the necessary adjustments due to the migration have been done, an individual mistake may be causes your error.
We will contact you directly regarding possible changes in your Sunny Portal account.
Sunny regards
Hi Christiane,
I am also getting this error
Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (InternalServerError)
Appreciate the assistance
Hello Ray,
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
This error message should be fixed soon: We are already coordinating with our contact persons at the SolarCoin Foundation.
Sunny regards
Hello Dears,
Despite i have done everything which was asked,then i got this error message”Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (InternalServerError)”so could u please help me how can i connect solarcoin.
Hello asiturk,
We need further technical data in order to support you.
For that reason, we will contact you directly.
Sunny regards
Hello Dear Christiane,
whenever i try to participate the solarcoin system on my sma menu where i got this “Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (InternalServerError),so could u please help me…
Best Regards
Dear Christiane,
could u please tell me what kind of data you need,please let me know them and then i am going to send them…
best regards.
we will contact you again directly.
Sunny regards
I have the same error: “Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (InternalServerError).”
I also received an error when I attempted to contact SMA support: “You don’t have access to this record. Ask your administrator for help or to request access” (I am my admin).
Please advise.
Hello Michael,
Sorry for the delayed response.
Please check this article for further help or contact us again if necessary.
Thanks for understanding.
Sunny regards
I deleted the SolarCoin icon. Can I restore it ?
Hello Chris,
Sorry for the delay in getting back.
In case that you have deactivated SolarCoin completely, it is not possible at the moment to activate it again.
This should work after some adjustments in late September.
In the meantime, please try again from time to time if it’s already working.
Sunny regards
When will the wallet id issue be fixed?
If it is fixed, can we still get our rewarded coins (while our wallet id was empty) to the wallet?
Thanks in advance.
Hello Eriq,
The problems with the incorrect display of the account balance should be resolved in the next few days (same applies to the error “Status: Sending Error”).
Currently we are working on the necessary changes in SunnyPortal.
Regarding the bug “wallet id” we are still trying to fix it. It should be done quite soon.
Thanks for your understanding.
Sunny regards
I understand that you guys are migrating but regardless if I input a wallet Id or not, I always get the message “No valid Wallet-ID has been entered.”
There is currently no way of consenting the participation in the program. What do you advise?
I am connected my SMA Sunny Boy to trhe solarcoin but how do I see how many I have? Its not moved in months
I have registered for solarcoins and the status was approved (I have not provided the wallet ID though since system did not accept my MetaMask ETH address). I left it empty.
Then today the status changed to “Sendintg Error”. How I can get help to resolve that issue?
Hello Konrad,
This status can not be changed individually as it is due to the migration to the new blockchain.
SMA is working on the necessary adjustments asap.
Sunny regards
I have a an 18kW PV system in Saudi Arabia and registered on Sunny Portal. The icon for SolarCoin appears on my PV system Overview, but it says “Status:SendingError”
Please advise what to do
Hello Hisham,
This is due to the migration to the new blockchain – it can not be fixed individually.
SMA is working on the necessary adjustments.
Thanks for your patience and understanding.
Best regards
C. Keim
Are you able to describe step by step how to obtain the wallet ID ?
It is not clear where to go for that.
Hello Konrad,
A digital SolarCoin “wallet” is not required to submit a claim. The foundation will hold the SolarCoins in safe custody.
It is possible to provide a wallet later.
Best regards
It seems I was a bit impatiant, my sunny portal now accepts an ampty ID field.
Good afternoon,
My sunny portal does not accept the Metamask wallet ID and also does not accept an empty ID field.
Do you have advice how to proceed? Thank you for your support!
I used to have a SolarCoin Wallet but now the status of the soalr coin indicates Estado: SolarCoinRejected I don´t know if is necesary to change wallet or what to do?
SMA any suggestion?
Hello Luis,
For some reasons it seems that there was a problem with the verification at the Solarcoin Foundation. Following that, your application was not succesfully.
Please contact the SolarCoin Foundation for further support as SMA ist not responsible in that case.
Sunny regards
I have registered my inverters and they are reporting to the portal. I registered for Solarcoins, and the tile appeared on my front page. Initially the status message was: “Solarcoin Approved”.
But now the status message on the tile is: “Sending Error”.
How can I resolve this?
Hello Stefan,
This is due to the migration to the new blockchain – it can not be fixed individually.
SMA is working on the necessary adjustments.
Sunny regards
Hi, i have installed a SMA Inverter in February and activated SolarCoin, For last months the status in SunnyPortal was “Sent”, now since a few days it says status “Unknown”, is this beacuse of the migration ? When will it be activated ?
Hello Raymond,
Yes – it’s because of the migration, but it will be fixed soon.
Thanks for your patience!
Sunny regards
ich habe meine Anlage Anfang Februar 2021 in Betrieb genommen und alsbald den SolarCoin “classic” eingerichtet und die Wallet ID in der Konfiguration hinterlegt. Der Status steht auf “approved” (bisher) habe ich bei rd 3.000KWh noch keinen SolarCoin erhalten. Kürzlich habe ich gelernt das eine Migration von SCC zu Ethereum basierten Wallets/Coins vollzogen wurde. Diese Migration habe ich erfolgreich durchgeführt und verwalte das ganze wie empfohlen mit Metamask. Nun meine Frage:
Muss ich die Wallet ID in der Datenfreigabe der Konfiguration im Portal ebenfalls anpassen, damit die Coins gutgeschrieben werden, oder bleibt die vorherige ID erhalten? Mir scheint die ID ist nicht änderbar.
Vielen Dank und Grüße,
Olaf Davidsmeyer
Hallo Herr Davidsmeyer,
wenn die Migration erfolgreich und wie in den Anleitungen beschrieben durchgeführt wurde, besteht kein weiterer Handlungsbedarf.
Die walletID im Portal soll nicht geändert werden. Durch die Migration haben sich auch die „Überweisungen“ von Solarcoins verzögert.
Außerdem gibt es aktuell noch Anzeigeprobleme im Sunny Portal, die nicht durch SMA behoben werden können.
Die erforderlichen Anpassungen werden noch umgesetzt und dann sollte auch im Sunny Portal der richtige „Kontostand“ wieder angezeigt werden.
Beste Grüße
C. Keim
I just enabled Solarcoin for my account. Regarding updates, how will they be distributed, here in this discussion chain, or by email to the people who have activated SolarCoin?
Hello Jim,
For more updates regarding the migration, please check the SolarCoin-Website.
In case you need further support, please contact us again.
Sunny regards
When I want to consent to participate in the SolarCoin program and I leave the wallet/ID field empty, I get the error:
Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (ValidationError)
I’m not able to consent.
Thanks for your help,
Best regards,
Hello Kim,
To register your PV system for the SolarCoin program, you need admin rights for your system.
If you don’t have them yet, please ask your installer.
Sunny regards
I tried to put my wallet-id in sunny portal and get the following error:
“No valid Wallet-ID has been entered.”
I put metamask wallet-id folllowing the new procedures of
Please, help me solve this problem.
Hello Vladimir,
for the time being, please leave the wallet-ID field empty.
Later on you will be able to provide your ERC20 wallet from Metamask or any other wallet software. Be aware that the processing of you claim will take longer than usual due to the migration process.
Regarding the migration process, we will keep you updated soon.
Sunny regards
Hi, Have a installed a solar farm with a SMA inverter just a week ago. Now I want to insert the new ETH wallet address but the sunnyportal keeps saying its an invalid wallet-id. On I saw there was an upgrade to a different blockchain. I think this issue is related to the upgrade. Could someone from SMA help me so I can claim my Solarcoins?
Hello Frank,
For the time being, please leave the Wallet-ID field empty.
Later on you will be able to provide your ERC20 Wallet from Metamask or any other wallet software.
Please consider that the processing of you claim will take longer than usual due to the migration process.
Regarding the details of the migration process, will keep you updated with a separate post.
Sunny regards
after inserting my wallet-id i get an error that it is not a valid id. maybe it has something to do with the update? see could you confirm that this is the case? and when will it be fixed?
Hello Frank,
For the time being please leave the Wallet-ID field empty.
Later on you will be able to provide your ERC20 Wallet from Metamask or any other wallet software.
Please consider that the processing of you claim will take longer than usual due to the migration process.
Kind regards
Why is my solarcoin status in sunny portal still on :Sent
installation date 10-01-2021
production on 16-04-2021 : 1.1 Mwh
Hello Dennis,
Caused by the migration process, the interface to Solarcoin is not completely functional any longer.
The Solarcoin Foundation is working hard on fixing this issue as soon as possible. Please be patient until then.
Thanks for understanding.
Kind regards
I have had a SMA inverter 6.5 KW system running since July last year and applied to get solar coin in Dec/ Jan this year….
To date I have nor had any solar coin and ant emails sent to SMA/ Solar coin have fallen on deaf ears …!!!!
The Solar coin indicator on my SMA screen has show Status as ” SendingError “, and has since it appeared.
Can anyone tell me what is going on and how to fix this and why has it not been fixed previously …???
Does any one actually look at emails sent indicating problems with Solar Coin ..??????
Hello John,
Please check whether all steps of the registration have been carried out.
Furthermore there are some delays occuring at the moment due to the migrations process started recently.
For that reason, please leave the Wallet-ID field empty.
Later on you will be able to provide your ERC20 Wallet from Metamask or any other wallet software. Be aware that the processing any claims at SolarFoundation will take longer than usual due to the migration process.
Thanks for understanding.
Kind regards
Hi I have joined the Solar coin scheme a couple of years ago and my Solar wallet show that I have some solar coins.. However it has not been updated since the first figure was displayed.Even though I am generating 4000 kWh a year my solar coin is still the same. 36.360 solar coins
Hello Michael,
It usually takes some time after registration before you get your first SolarCoins as the SolarCoin Foundation needs some time for the realization.
But as there is no change in your plant for a very long time period, please contact the SolarCoin-Foundation directly:
Sunny regards
I have problem that I cant even create my SolarCoin Wallet. I am using Windows but when I try to download wallet (from official page) nothing happens. Its really frustrating. I would appreciate any help.
Hello Mladen,
the digital SolarCoin “wallet” is no longer necessary to submit a claim. The SolarCoin Foundation will manage users’ SolarCoins until they decide to redeem them.
Sunny regards
Hello, I have a solar plant since 2019 with SMA iversor. Since then I have tried several times to get my solar coins but I get stuck in the section where it says: “Write here the ID of your wallet if you have one”. I have purses for other coins (the addresses start with bc1) and when I put it there, nothing happens, what am I doing wrong?
Hello Ruben,
For the time being, please leave the Wallet-ID field empty.
Later on you will be able to provide your ERC20 Wallet from Metamask or any other wallet software.
Please be aware that the processing of you claim will take longer than usual due to the migration process.
We will keep you updated regarding the changes with a separate post.
Thanks for your understanding.
Sunny regards
I had a computer crash and lost most of my information. I reinstalled SolarCoin and added the address to my SolarCoin wallet. Now the SolarCoin icon on sunnyPortal shows 0 SolarCoin. I might not have used the same e-mail address this time to register with SolarCoin. I just read that duplicate registration could disqualify me for the program. If I did unintentionally register with a different e-mail address is there a way to fix it?
Hello John,
Please contact the SolarCoin Foundation for further support:
Sunny regards
my coins used to go to coinomi how do i reclaim them and hoe can i access coins now?
Hello Barry,
Please check the SolarCoin-Website for further information on this topic (“private key migration into SolarCoin Wallet”).
We can not link to external websites.
Best regards
Again this program seems to be a dead loss as far as I can see. I have already submitted a query and been told to basically “wait” …. as it takes time to get organised…
I am still “waiting” with the same problem displaying on my system saying that there is a “Sending error”.
This has been displayed for months now… AND all emails etc to find the problem both via myself and the installation people have gone WITHOUT ANY reply.
Does any one at Solar Coin now how to fix this problem, as I read in the comments ,I am NOT the only one to have problems …. ???
My email address HAS BEEN provided for some one to reply to me…. [tho I will not hold my breath ..!!]
Hello John,
Sorry to hear that there your problem is still not solved.
Did you already get in contact with SolarCoin directly (
Have you checked whether there is anything missing in your registration process?
Best regards
Hi Sma Team,
I have insert the code of my wallet (Lykke that manages SLR) and the amount of SolarCoin in SMA portal from 3,… is gone to 0 but, after 3 days, I don’t see anything to my wallet in the Lykke Exchange. How many days are necessary to see in my Lykke’s wallet the SLR?
All my Best
Hello Simone,
You dont’ need digital SolarCoin “wallet” as it is no longer necessary to submit a claim.
The SolarCoin Foundation will manage users’ SolarCoins until they decide to redeem them.
So the process is much easier now 😉
Sunny regards
Hi dear SMA team.
First : Awsome service your proposing SLR : the futur !
But…I have admin rights, all info about production location are correctly filled in… But in the data sharing sheet i can check the first part (sunny places) but not the second one especially for solar coins – a message is displayed in red “to be able to participate to the solar coin program please indicate the installation site”.
Any clue?
Hello Arnaud,
Please check whether you have filled in the field “Country code”, too.
For that, enter for example the state, your district, department or country. On the next screen go to the tab “Data releases” to the right.
Sunny regards
I registered (claim) my SolarCoins through the Sunny Portal more then a month ago, but until now I didn’t receive any coins? I also posted a ticket to but didn’t receive any news from them either. Can someone please verify? Thanks in advance.
Hello Xavier,
After you have registered successfully, it may takes some time before you get your first SolarCoins.
Also there is some time between you have received your first SolarCoins and the next update.
This depends on the size of your plant.
But don’t worry, no SolarCoin will dissapear as the SolarCoin Foundation will award them retrospectively.
Sunny regards
The Edit button is not active in Australia to select the Solar Coin Option
Hello Glen,
you need admin rights for your system to register your PV system for the SolarCoin program.
If you don’t have them yet, please ask your installer for further support.
Sunny regards
Hello, My Solarcoins had been approved since the 17th of Feb and still shows 0.000000. HOw long it takes to change?
Thank you,
Carlos Cavia
Hello Carlos,
The SolarCoin Foundation will need some time to complete the transfer of the coins.
But be sure that no SolarCoin will get lost as they will be awarded retroactively after you have registered successfully.
Sunny regards
I am a little confused.
So we need to connect the PV system equipment to Sunny portal first, and register an account through the website?
What should I do for connecting my PV system with Sunny portal ?
Hello Humble,
Please follow the detailed instructions in our article, mentionned here: “How can SolarCoins be claimed through Sunny Portal?”
It should work out then.
Best regards
How to apply the PV system in sunny portal ?
My page is still empty, even I have filled in the fields which are requested.
Hello Humble,
Have you checked your role in Sunny Portal before trying to register?
You need admin/installer rights to fill out all relevant data successfully.
If you don´t have them, please ask your installer for it.
Sunny regards
I am a little confused.
So we need to connect the PV system equipment to Sunny portal first, and register an account through the website?
How to do that?
I am a little confused.
So we need to connect the PV system equipment to Sunny portal first, and register an account through the website?
What should I do to connect my PV system with Sunny portal?
Please disregard my last post I was able to enter the “State” both in the instalation address and the installer one and that did the trick. as per a few post up from a user in Portugal.
Thank you,
Carlos Caviah
I have properlly filled the Country information both for the instalation (my house) and the installer and still I am not able to Register for Solar Coins. Do I need some short of code to enter it as a wallet? if so who provideds it?
Thank you in advanced,
Carlos Cavia
Hello, I encounter the same problem here in Belgium !
Hello Dirk,
Please let us know for what kind of “same problem” you need help.
Best regards
where it says ” state ” in the address field, fill in the province-name…. that enabled it for me.
Good luck,
I “joined” solar coin early Jan 2021 (?), but to date have not had any coin given to me …The solar coin box on my SMA system page shows an o.oo credit and Status is ‘Sending error” and has for some time, tho I am connected to web, and get solar output emails daily..
Something I have not done ..?? All data re my system is up to date and current
Hello John,
it may take some time until you gain your first Coins.
But don’t worry as no SolarCoin will get lost once you have registered successfully.
To ensure that everything is fine with your registration you may check whether all fields are filled out (e.g. “country”).
Sunny regards
I have registered the account of sunny portal.
However, I can’t find any button in my website for applying.
Hello Humble,
please check whether you have filled in all fields requested – especially the field for “country”.
In case of further support please contact
Sunny regards
I registered for solarcoin in December, but the status shown in the system is still sent. How long does it take to change the status in sunnyportal and for the first solar coins?
Hello Piotr,
Thanks for your post.
Due to some changes, registration may takes a bit longer.
To ensure that everything has worked out fine, please check whether you have filled in all fields requested.
And don’t worry, no SolarCoin will get lost after you have registered.
Sunny regards
My name is Humble
I am from Taiwan, I am working for solar related company.
In my company, we have our own PV systems (10kW, 20kW and 410kW).
Our power generated by PV systems is completely used internally.
(We did not sell PV power to other)
Could we apply the solarcoin?
Hello Humble,
Thanks for your question.
To apply for SolarCoin, please just follow the instructions in our article.
Sunny regards
I think I made a mistake …
I first created a SolarCoin wallet but without adding my installation to it.
Then I claimed my SolarCoins in Sunny Portal.
The SolarCoin tile is well appearing in my PV system overview but the counter has remained at 0.0000000000 SLR since November 2020 with a “Status: SendingError” message.
What should I do ?
Hello Bernard,
Please contact for further support.
Best regards
Hello Christiane,
Following your message, I contacted on February 2, 2021.
I first received an automatic response with a ticket number 2412.
Since then and despite a reminder, I still have not received a response …
What should I do ?
Hello Bernard,
Sorry to hear that you are still waiting for a response from SolarCoin.
We can not accelarate this process – sorry again.
But as you have already received a ticket, it shows some process.
Thanks for your patience and understanding.
Sunny regards
Can you please detail which fields need to be filled to be able to join the program? I have full details for the PV installation, installer and operator and still getting “In order to be able to participate in the SolarCoin program, please completely indicate the location of the system beforehand.” with the checkbox blocked.
Hello Nuno,
sometimes the field “Country code” is the reason as it also needs to be filled in.
So please enter for example the state, your district, department or country.
On the next screen go to the tab “Data releases” to the right.
Sunny regards
Hello Nuno,
may be also the answer from Jax (dated 24 April 2020) is helpful to you?
Best regards
Thank you Christiane. It was helpfull. My issue in fact was with the “State” field. It is presented as an empty checkbox for Portugal (actually not applicable), so I assumed no value was required/possible to enter, but in fact I was able to write something, and when I did the option became available.
Hello Nuno,
Good to hear that it has worked out!
Sunny regards
Hi Christiane,
Thanks for the response.
But because I can’t see the balance and also why before was status activate and now says status sending error?
Hi Giovanni,
Have you filled in all fields requested or made any changes afterwards?
Best regards
Just trying to get some help but my post are deleted. Why?
Hello Giovanni,
in our Blog, no post will be deleted.
Sometimes it takes a moment before we can get back to you.
Thanks for your patience.
Best regards
My system so far has generate nearly 5000kwh but I didn’t received any coins yet.
I cannot find any wallet to add that have the solarcoin to trade.
Also on my portal under the solarcoin says Status: SendingError
Any help available?
Hello Giovanni,
A digital SolarCoin “wallet” is no longer necessary to submit a claim.
The SolarCoin Foundation will manage users’ SolarCoins until they decide to redeem them.
Best regards
I have a 15kw system and I’m approved since November for solarcoin but still my balance is 0 and now I can see that’s an error in claiming.
What that does mean?
Hello Giovanni,
Your credit balance will be updated regularly.
This depends on the size of your plant and it can take some months.
Sunny regards
I accessed the system with Installator Right but when I need to enable Solarcoin I still get the error: “Per poter partecipare al programma SolarCoin, indicare l’ubicazione dell’impianto.” Where do I have to put such info, since there is still such data filled in Plant detail?
Hello Vinzenzo,
Maybe it is necessary to check the field “Country Code”?
In some countries, this one is a bit confusing as it also needs to be filled with your state, your district, department or country.
Sunny regards
Good morning
About a year of the team, I created an account and added my solarcoin account to my card. I have been accepted and have been given solarcoins. But only once. For a year, the state of solarcoins has been in place and no coins are added. Installation, of course, works fine. What could be the problem?
Link to website of the solar facility monitoring software
Hello Bartek,
Your credit balance will be updated at regular intervals.
The update depends on the size of your plant, it can be up to several months.
Best regards
Hello, I have consent to create a Solarcoin wallet, but its status is still “SolarCoinPending”. What to do with this?
Hello Krzysztof,
Please check this description here.
You can download software for your OS or simply use a paper wallet.
If you register initially, you can also leave the Wallet-ID entry empty.
The Solarcoin-Foundation will handle your wallet for you.
Best regards
Hi ,
In october they installed the pannels in the roof.
I participated the solarcoin programe of SMA.
Installation went well I think but it say now in the solarcoin tyle “solarcoin pending “
Is the installation then ok or do i have to do something else ?
Stil 0,00000000 and counting …..
Hello Kurt,
It can take some time before you will see your first SolarCoins.
In case the installation is ok, no coin will get lost.
For further support, please check the information here.
Sunny regards
How to be able to register with SolarCoin in the Polish system. When I log in to sunny portal, I do not have such a possibility there.
Hello Piotr,
You need to login with the installer level.
Please check this solution.
Sunny regards
I have a SMA system for over 5 years now, I am located in Henderson NV USA and I noticed recently that it asked if I wanted to join SOLARCOIN. Well I tried to follow the directions and it wont let me check that box. I am listed as Plant Administrator. I went to check the registration and all has been filled in for the last 5 years except the “Country” on the pull down there is NO United States??? What do I do? Please help.
Hello Thomas,
Sorry for this delay in getting back to you.
It should be possible to register your US-plant.
In case you still need help in this matter, please check whether you have filled in all fields before.
For further support, please contact the SolarCoin-Team directly:
Sunny regards
I’m on the phone with SMA service now and they’re not even acknowledging that they know what solar coin is. They’re saying they cannot help me with my issue even though its with sunny web portal. Where do I go for help on issues activating my sunny web portal with solarcoin?
Hi Ryan,
Maybe this works out in a first step:
You need to log in with Installer level to edit data releases.
Please get back in case you need further assistance.
Kind regards
I have the same question , regarding the SolarCoins wallet. I noticed that Coinomi has stopped to use SolarCoins, and i have tried another wallet…but still not working.
Please answer as soon as you can. I have some customers who need some answers from me / from you.
/ Mihai
Have a nice day!
Hi Mihai,
Please have a look at the question of George, the answer should be helpful.
If further assistance is needed, please let us know.
Sunny regards
Impossible d’obtenir les droits administrateurs. Les installateurs n’acceptent pas de les donner.
Impossible d’adhérer au projet en Belgique.
L’icone Solarcoin a disparu du tableau Sunnyportal.
De toute façon l’option modifier était inactive.
Bref, y a qu’a mais surtout ça ne fonctionne pas. Pour les clients SMA, il n’y a qu’a clicker sur sunnyportal mais ça ne marche de toute façon pas.
Bonjour Francois,
Afin d’activer votre système pour SolarCoin, vous avez besoin de droits d’administration pour votre système.
Si vous ne les avez pas encore, veuillez contacter à nouveau votre installateur.
Les droits ne sont pas cédés – il suffit à l’installateur de l’informer.
Meilleures salutations
I do not have the option to “Edit” in the “Data Release” tab, and the consent shows a red X. How can access this? I am in the United States.
Hi Valorie,
Please try also to login with Installer level.
Sunny regards
Coinomi wallet not supporting SolarCoins.Which wallet can we use? any answer please?
Hello George,
You can use the solarcoin wallet as described here.
The software for your OS can be downloaded or use a paper-wallet.
If you register initially, you can also leave the Wallet-ID entry empty.
Solarcoin-Foundation will handle your wallet for you and later you will be able to get your coins from there.
For moving your wallet from Coinomi, we have a short description from Solarcoin-Foundation. You will receive it by mail.
Sunny regards
I can’t click the Edit button on the Solar Portal – Data Releases page. Please assist.
Hello Mu,
To edit the data releases, you have to login on installer level.
Best regards
Coinomi wallet not working with Solarcoins. Which wallet can I use? Thanks.
Hi, a lot of of SMA consumers have activated their solarcoins account for a while (almost 1 yr) with a status approved on the SunnyPortal dashboard, but the counters are still at zero for many. When solarcoins will be granted and status updated?
Thank you to reply.
Dear sir/ madam,
Coinomi wallet stoped support the solar Coin. What we are going to do now? Which wallet can we use now? Where can we use our keys to collect our coins? Are you aware about all this? Is there any announcement about that?
I’m looking forward for your answer..
As my wallet provider (Coinomi) announced the delisting of Solarcoin I moved my Solarcoins to another wallet provider. However, when I want to enter the address of my new Solarcoin wallet on your portal it returns the error message “Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (ValidationError)”. What is the issue here and how I enter my new Solarcoin wallet address?
I am being told I need a Wallet by sunny portal, although your directions indicate one is not necessary.
I have had status SolarCoin approved since december 2019 and still my account for solarcoins show 0… I asked the same question in mid-March. How should one do to get in contact with someone who can help out with this. /Johan
Hi Johan,
I’m really sorry for the inconvenience. Please contact SolarCoin dirctly:
Sunny regads,
I’m getting SendingError, too!
Any help for us?
Hi Daniel,
Please contact SolarCOin dirctly:
Sunny regads,
I’m getting SendingError when I signed up for SolarCoin. It looks like a bunch of people are getting it. I’m in USA.
Any help?
Hi Dan,
Please contact SolarCOin dirctly:
Sunny regads,
I get a the error SendingError. Any idea what is wrong?
Ive got a sending error. What is that about?
I’m in Australia. How do I know if I have admin rights? the Data releases tab in my Sunny Portal app has the “Consent to participate in the SolarCoin program” tick-box with a red cross in it and the Edit icon greyed out.
Hey. Filled out the application, everything is ok, the status has changed to “SolarCoinApproved”. A day later, the status changed to “SendingError”. What does it mean?
My installer is no longer in business. How can I get admin rights?
On the Sunny Portal site, the Solar Coin module says the status has a sending error. The Data release has a green checkmark, so what should I do to correct this error? Seems to be something on the Sunny tech side, not the Solar Coin tech problem.
I am in the US (Florida), my SMA PV Overview shows “SolarCoin
0.000000 SLR
Status: SolarCoinApproved ” and my system is generating and has been since Sept. last Year (Diagram values: Total Hancock
Total yield Meter change [kWh]
2019 3114.443
2020 6030.099)
As you can see I am not receiving my credit.
What should I do?
How I got my lost funds recovered and lost Bitcoin, through the help of Cbackinc..I have been in deep shit all this while I almost lost all I have been investing from day one, I tried all I could to remain unbeatable I never gave up, sometime ago I was referred by a friend to one recovery firm for assistance with their master class intelligence, they were able to track back and retrieve all my lost funds. I’m so happy. If you need help with any recovery service whatsoever, do well to contact them on Whatsapp +1 (785) 325 9621
Hi, when I am logged with my installer login, but can’t tick off the box.
Still get the warning: ‘In order to be able to participate in the SolarCoin program, please completely indicate the location of the system beforehand’. Location is added (except for the state as the country Dominica has not the option to choose any state).
Also all data from installer is filled out, the box of the wallet ID can be filled out, but according to the details I don’t need to have one.
any suggestions what the problem could be?
I just received my SolarCoins. Thx you so much.
Btw is there a forum where people discuss SolarCoin ?
Buenos días, tengo una planta solar fotovoltaica registrada en, ¿cómo podría solicitar Solarcoins?. La planta se encuentra en España. Tengo otra planta en sunny portal donde no he tenido ningún problema.
So solar coin does not afect your government payback gid tie????
Solar coin runs along side this ???.
I can’t add my Solarcoin wallet in my PV data in the sunny portal. My PV Id is 4a22aefd-f6dd-4ef7-a2fa-1f3371165b26. I get the following error: ‘Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (ValidationError)’
My Solar Coins haven’t updated on Sunny Portal since production as of Aug 17, 2019. I thought they were supposed to update monthly?
Dear sir/madam,
I have make a mistake with the email i registered in the sunny portal for the solar coin and now i can’t correct it. Their is an error….
How can i fix this?
Anyone available at solarcoin? still not getting answers. No answers on mail either. Almost 2 weeks now. Worst support ever.
Consent to participate in the SolarCoin program: You hereby allow your PV system to participate in the SolarCoin program. Yield data are transmitted to and, if available, credited to the following wallet:
(Please enter your existing wallet ID here, if available.)
In order to be able to participate in the SolarCoin program, please indicate the operator data of the system beforehand.
I am in Greece and my plant is 100 KW
I want to add my Solarcoin address in the Sunny Portal and get the following error: ‘Die Teilnahme am SolarCoin Programm konnte nicht aktiviert werden. Fehler (ValidationError)’ My system Id is: ‘4a22aefd-f6dd-4ef7-a2fa-1f3371165b26’. Who can help?
When can I expect an release of my comments?
10 days later, no reaction ?? When can i expect some answers and a sloution for my problem. I’m not getting coins on my sunnyportal. Got an approved status. Rest of the information is shown above (7 april 14:56)
I suggest you ask your question directly in Solarcoin slack:
Reading the reactions over here it seems nobody received solarcoins since late 2019?
They don’t respond to tickets, so this project seems pretty dead to me.
When am I getting more coins, you are way behing with the deposit.
Why are my soarcoins not showing on SunnyPortal. I got an approved status on the sunnyportal, but no coins will show.
My ID is : ab003519-a962-420e-a650-1fd2610f8292
Hope i will get some respons from you. Mails are not being answerd, only that a ticket is created, but then it stays quiet.
My coin status is over 6 months approved, but still no coins showing on the sunnyportal. Also, emails are not replied ?
Good evening
I registered my PV system for SolarCoin six months ago and received an initial credit but no further credits.
What do I need to do for further credits to be deposited to my wallet? My Sunny Portal settings seem to be correct.
Thank you
Hi everyone @SMA
I have enjoyed reading your article: “Claiming your SolarCoins on Sunny Portal by Susanne Henkel, 27. Mar. 2019
The author leaves out one very important piece and I hope someone will/can fill in the gap.
The topic of: “How can SolarCoins be used?“ is never really answered and the statement: “…SolarCoins can be traded for conventional (fiat) currency on all major exchange portals…” leaves the reader wondering just how you actually go about cashing in on your SolarCoins.
Can someone shed light on this so a layman can convert his SC to cash?
My status on Sunny Portal have been changed to SolarCoinApproved since mid December 2019 and still there hasn’t been an update of the SolarCoin balance, I still have 0 solarcoins while produced > 2000 kWh of solarenergy. Is it just a late update or could it be something else that is wrong?
May I ask why the sunny portal of my company still showed up that I have to apply one wallet on my own in order to store the SolarCoin?
How can I prepare the relevant documents?
Hi, I signed up my solar system last year. It initially credited me the days usage but I have not been credited since. Also how do I apply for retroactivity?
I live in the US and we do not have the admin rights to our SMA. Our installer “Brevard Solar” has gone bankrupt and they are no longer communicating with us. How do we get admin right to be able to sign up for the solar coin program?
Every time I have tried sma I have had no luck. I am in the states so does that mean there is nothing I can do?
Hi Marc,
Please register here.
Sunny regards,
I have PV System Identifier: aa4a5580-64d8-11de-e2fa-000163c90883. Installer data is blank. Installed in 2009 – 2010. I am unable to edit for admin rights. I believe installer is now gone. Any other way to allow Consent to participate in the SolarCoin program:?
Hi Stephen,
Please register here.
Sunny regards,
Hi Carolyn,
If I’m at the correct page;
I got the message “This page is currently not available in your country”
Hi Stephen,
I think it is working again. Otherwise you can click here.
Sunny regards,
When I try to enter the SolarCoin program I can not enter my wallet ID because of this:
“In order to be able to participate in the SolarCoin program, please completely indicate the location of the system beforehand.”
And I have entered the location years ago.
Hi Martin,
Please contact directly.
Sunny regards,
My Status is Solar Coin approved which was achieved in November 2019 but I still have not been credited any solarcoin. Should I be expecting them soon or will it still take a few months?
Hi Terry,
SolarCoin is working on this problem, anyway you can send a mail to:
Sunny regards,
I have to change wallet ID on Sunny Portal for SolarCoin program
Error description “Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (ValidationError)”
What is the procedure if i have to change my wallet ID
Thank you
Please contact SolarCoin directly:
Sunny regards,
I tried contacting directly and they do not respond to emails
Hi, My system as been approved for over 4 months now and It still does not show my bitcoins.
What should I do?
Thank you
Hi Kevin,
Please contact directly.
Sunny regards,
Hi Carolyn (and Kevin)
Same issue here so I tried to contact solarcoin support as you advised, but there is no response from solarcoin on e-mail or support ticket.
Maybe SMA could look into this, it seems very few people in this thread get an answer when mailing ?
I think this Solarcoin program is not active anymore?
In my SMA portal the status says “SolarCoinPending” for weeks now.
Tried contacting, then an automatic ticket is created but nobody ever responded to that ticket.
Hi Rene,
the SolarCoin program is still active. SolarCoin is working on the solution of the problem.
Sunny regards,
hello I have signed up via the sunny portal.. The filed for name of wallet is blank. Do I have to apply for one of these separately or does the system generate it for me? thanks Lindsau]y
Hi Lindsay,
here is the answer from SolarCoin:
How do I create my own wallet?
There are several ways to create SolarCoin wallets. The two primary options:
The fastest and easiest way to manage and or claim SolarCoin is third-party Coinomi wallet, available for Android and iOS mobile devices. The Coinomi SolarCoin wallet requires minimal drive space and computing power. It very easy to use for receiving, spending and holding SolarCoin. The Coinomi wallet does not support staking and earning the targeted 2% annual SLR “interest”.
The official SolarCoin QT full node desktop-based wallet is available for download from This wallet application is a full node that helps maintain the integrity of the SolarCoin network. It requires time and several gigabytes of drive space to sync the blockchain upon installation.
Leaving the wallet open and active contributes to supporting the SolarCoin network using a method known as ‘staking’. Staking provides the wallet owner with a targeted 2% annual return in SLR. Staking requires a small portion of CPU capacity.
Regardless of wallet choice, safeguarding the wallet’s private keys and submitting the receiving public address accurately for claims and bounties are the sole responsibility of the user.
The SCF is not responsible for lost SLR due to lost passphrases, compromised wallets, software failures, or incorrectly entered receiving addresses. The SCF is unable to recover any SLR once they have been sent. The SCF can not recover forgotten or lost passphrases. The SCF cannot recover stolen SolarCoin or claims mis-appropriated.
Sunny regards,
Good day. I am from South Africa. I installed 3 25 SMA inverters with 92 Kwp Solarpanels. I cannot check the box “Consent to participate in the SolarCoin program:” Are there any other way for me to register into the solar coin program?
Hi Richard,
You need the installer rights of the system, if you don’t have them please contact your installer.
Sunny regards,
Hello, message from Poland,
I am not able to press EDIT in data releases.
I am not sure if my country is in my the program or not.
According to the map that is on your website, it participates the program.
Hi Marek,
Please check if you are the owner of the system, sometimes your installer has the rights for this.
Sunny regards
how can I check it?
Hello, why is that only my systems connected to SunnyPortal with PiggyBack Card or WebBox connection can claim Solar Coin and the ones connected with Cluster Controller can’t?
Hi Julian,
All systems registered in Sunny Portal in the classic version (except Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS) with an output up to 150 kW, can automatically participate in the SolarCoin program. Is your system larger than 150 kWp? Or is it registered in the Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS? If neither of these points applies, please send us details about your system by mailing to
Kind regards,
Do I need to create a profile on “” to get solar coins via Sunny Portal ?
It’s not very clear for me.
Hi Luc,
I’m not sure if I got your question right.
To receive SolarCoins it is possible to do this quickly and easily via Sunny Portal, with SMA and the SolarCoin Foundation entering into a partnership to facilitate this.
By ticking a box, the PV system operator agrees to the legal terms and conditions and can receive So-larCoins following an automated check by the SolarCoin Foundation. This largely bypasses the need to submit all the documentation that would otherwise be required for registration to provide evidence of the PV system’s ownership status, technical data, power generation capacity and identity, in turn making the whole application process much simpler.
Sunny regards,
You said:
“Usually, the credit is made in the first half of the following month after approval. At present, however, technical restrictions may cause delays. The SolarCoin Foundation is working on a solution.”
For me it has been 4 months since I sign on with the solarcoin program. I have been producing since 2013. From SunnyPortal I have no solarcoins in the Solarcoin block in the “PV System Overview” window. Are there still problems?
Unfortunately it looks like, sorry! For direct support please write an e-mail to
Kind regards,
Hi in my installation 500kW (4965b32c-3bc0-4392-8f4b-5e52d9da7ac0 administartor acess ) i havent availability to participate in solarcoin programm , isnt possible?
Hi Tasos,
Currently only PV systems up to 150 kWp can join the SolarCoin programm.
Kind regards,
Hi there, I have two plants (on individual Sunny Islands and controllers) at the one address. I assume that the plant I register first will get the autogenerated solarcoin wallet. Can I use that wallet for the second plant? Or am i better to register for a solarcoin wallet separately and add it when I register both plants? I assume that this option will require me to ‘validate my plants’ – something I dont have to do with registration via sunny portal.
Hi Trevor,
You can register his second attachment as well as the first one via the portal, this should work.
Kind regards, Annika
I accidentally pressed a button that said “Don’t show this message again” and the Solarcoin window disappeared. How do I make it appear again on the Sunny Portal?
Hi Roman,
Please go to: configuration > PV system properties > Data releases > consent to participate in the SolarCoin program (there you can edit).
Kind regards,
Since 8 days I can see that my status is SolarCoinApproved. But still have 0,000000 SLR. I’m a producer since 2017, so I was expecting to retroactively receive the SLR, but is still 0. Do I need to do anything else?
Hi Tiago,
Usually, the credit is made in the first half of the following month after approval. At present, however, technical restrictions may cause delays. The SolarCoin Foundation is working on a solution.
Kind regards,
I have been claiming my SolarCoin since last year directly from the foundation but beginning of the year I have registered my SMA plant with SolarCoin since February. Since then I have not received any? I can see the latest status owning 19.404 SLR. I reveived an automated e-mail (from address where the final status was “rejected”.
Hi Pasi,
It seems that you have registered your PV plant twice, so you may have been blocked by the Foundation. If so, please contact the SolarCoin Foundation directly via email
Kind regards,
Thanks, will try to reach them – been trying that already for 6 months but no reply.
hi how do I get a wallet
Hi Richard,
Please find more information on that at the SolarCoin Foundation.
Kind regards,
Hi one question i have lost my wallet account , when i try to change the wallet id i have an error
”Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (ValidationError)”
is possible to change the wallet id in my account?
Best Regards, Anastasios
Hi Anastasios,
Please contact the SolarCoin Foundation via email at to get help.
Kind regards,
Good morning , i didnt receive any answer from .. could you check please if possible to change wallet id account in sunny portal?
Hi Anastasios,
unfortunately it is not possible to change the WalletID at the moment.
Kind regards, Annika
My ‘Edit button was (also) inactive but once my installer gave me Admin rights the button became active and now I am ‘ in’ the program.
(Without Admin rights i couldn’t even connect my EEBus/HomeConnect devices – so it is definitely needed).
But it just keeps saying: “Status: SolarCoinPending” and there is no way to see anything more and on the SolarCoins website it just redirects you to this page if you are an SMA customer.
I am having problem I cant find this option in my system.
Hi ! in data release edit button is inactive, cant register
Hi Agris,
please make sure that you have the installer rights to access the settings. If not, the best way is to ask your installer to do it for you.
Thanks and regards, Annika
I’m from the Philippines.
I think the SolarCoin is not available as well in our country?
Would you mind confirming it?
Hi Julio,
To our knowledge SolarCoin is available in the Philippines. Nevertheless we would recommend to contact SolarCoin directly:
Sunny regards,
I accidentally pressed a button that said “Don’t show this message again” and the Solarcoin window disappeared. How do I make it appear again on the Sunny Portal?
Why my edit button is not alive under data release consent?
Please contact directly
Sunny regards,
My “Installer” is no longer in business. Is there anyway for me to obtain “admin access”?
Hi Jerry,
Please contact:
Sunny regards,
Why is 150 kWp the maximun capacity to ask for SolarCoin in Sunny Portal?
As long as I read, SolarCoin allows PV Systems up to 500 kWp or even more with an special registration process
Recently switched to an SMA inverter after my old one stopped working. I understand I can add my previous production back to 2010 to the solarcoins how do I do that? Thanks
Hi David,
You can just add your pervious production retroactively for the past 5 years. Nevertheless please contact: directly. They will help you to get you SeolarCoins. You will need the documents of your system and the description of your porblem.
Sunny regards,
Hi Anke
Thanks a lot for your help and swift response.
I’m the installer of the system, I also got the admin access rights. The problem is that the error message I get does not provide any guidance on the root cause. Is there a way to have a better insight on the error I receive?
Please sign in on our Service Line, my colleagues will help you.
Sunny regards,
Hi Anke,
maybe good to have a FAQ section in which you explicitely mention a coupple of examples what people should do. Example given, in the Netherlands we have to fill in the State option which is by default left open as we do not have states but only provinces. This was the reason that at first I was denied to progress with the SolarCoin data release option.
Kind regards,
Hi John,
Thank you for the good tip.
Sunny regards,
I cannot edit in Data Release. Cannot sign up
Hi Susan,
You have to log in with “installer” level to be able to edit data in Sunny Portal. Please ask your installer, he should give you access data.
Kind regards,
Hi, I encounter some troubles in registering my P.V. System on the sunny portal. The error i get is the following (In order to participate in the solar coin program, please completely indicate the location of the system before hand). The location of my system is properly registered on the sunny portal. My P.V. system identifier code is 44829e4a-76f6-4e4c-8617-eeaa15e81fca.
What is more, my system has been commissioned on December 2011, but I have linked it with the sunny portal approximately a year ago. How could I register the period the P.V. Plant was not linked with the sunny portal to the solar coin program?
Best Regards Dimos
Hi Orfanos,
You have to log in with “installer” level to be able to edit data in Sunny Portal. Please ask your installer, he should give you the access data.
Kind regards,
i have a 1.5 and 2.0 set up but i cannot participate, im from the Philippines. the consent to participate is marked with a red X. How can I fix this? Thank you.
I have had SolarCoinApproved status for several days now in Sunny Portal. No coins have been generated for current or past generation so far. When should I expect my coins?
I have my SolarCoins showing now.
trying to give the consent to participate. However the dialog in the “Data releases” tab indicates “In order to be able to participate in the SolarCoin program, please completely indicate the location of the system beforehand.” in red. I think I filled in everthing, address, geo coordinates…. Can it be indicated what is missing?
Hi Gert,
Please check your status: You have to log in with “installer” level to be able to edit data in Sunny Portal. Please ask your installer, he should give you the access data.
Kind regards,
Status: SolarCoinPending
When it will be approved?
Hi Christopher,
It depends on the number of new applications. Usually the Approval takes less than one week. The transfer of Solarcoins takes longer and should happen within the first two weeks of each month.
Kind regards,
In the article you say ‘By the way: SolarCoins are awarded retroactively for up to five years from the date of registration.’ How does one do this?
Hi John,
It works automatically. You do not have to do anything, but enter your plant data correctly.
Kind regards,
So how long before the status changes to SolarCoinApproved from SolarCoinPending?
Coming up on a week now since I enabled the data export.
3 days so far and still awaiting moderation approval?
Hi Keith,
Sorry for the delay!
It depends on the number of new applications. Usually the approval takes less than one week. The transfer of Solarcoins takes a bit longer and should happen within the first two weeks of each month.
Kind regards,
Hi Anke,
I registered but the tile is still on Pending. is it still on one week waiting period until it gets approved? thanks.
It still takes time to syncronize.
Sunny regards,
Sorry, Forgot to say I’m from Australia. thanks.
Hoi Anke,
Ik heb een ETH adres ingevoerd, kun je aangeven opdat dit eerst door SMA wordt gecontroleerd?
Hello Tim,
we check whether an address entered is “syntactically” correct but we do not check whether a wallet is really attached to it.
Sunny regards
I am having trouble checking the Data Release Consent checkbox, it somehow seems to indicate I have not completed full location data (message: In order to be able to participate in the SolarCoin program, please completely indicate the location of the system beforehand.) But I did, on the ‘PV System Data’ tab I have all address related fields set (except state which I can’t since its empty and we have no states in Belgium).
Please help.
Hi Jan,
The solarcoin foundation requires the “state” field to be filled in. Enter your “region” here (preferred) or just repeat the country.
Hope it works.
Kind regards,
My edit button is disabled. How can I participate?
Hi Krysztof,
You have to log in with “installer” level to be able to edit data within sunny portal. Please ask your installer, he should give you access data.
Kind regards,
Per poter partecipare al programma SolarCoin, indicare l’ubicazione dell’impianto. cosa devo mettere?
Thank you for your request.
I hope, it is ok to answer you in English: Please enter the address of the location of your solar plant here.
Kind regards,
Hi Anke, could you specify in detail where the address of the location must be written? I have added it in the section Configuration/Operator Data and it is already written in the section PV system Data
Hi Giovanni,
Do you have installer rights? You have to log in with “installer” level to be able to edit data in Sunny Portal. Please ask your installer, he should give you access data.
Kind regards,
on mi compare il flag
I’m french and I have this message on the Data relaese for activate the SolarCoin program: ‘Pour pouvoir participer au programme SolarCoin, veuillez indiquer au préalable le site de l’installation.’
But I don’t where do that.
Thanks for your help.
Hi Jocelyn,
That means you have to enter the plant location. If the plant is installed on your roof then fill in your address. Please note: You have to log in with “installer” level to be able to edit data in Sunny Portal. Please ask your installer, he should give you access data.
Kind regards,
In the data release field I can not tick the : Consent to participate in the SolarCoin program ??
It says: In order to be able to participate in the SolarCoin program, please completely indicate the location of the system beforehand.
I don’t see any where to fill in something, can you please tell me.
In advance thank you
Knud Thomsen
Hi Knud,
Please check your status: You have to log in with “installer” level to be able to edit data in Sunny Portal. Please ask your installer, he should give you access data.
Kind regards,
Hi Anke,
I have the same issue. I have the Plant Administrator role in Sunny Portal. Under user management I created another user with the Installer role. It is still not working. What else I need to do? And I simply don’t understand why I need to contact the installer with this.
Best regards
Hi Dániel,
You don´t need to contact your installer as you have admin rights. Then you can change or set anything yourself.
Is your system capacity up to 150 kWp, registered in Sunny Portal and connected via Webconnect or a WebBox?
What is your current status? Did the Foundation give any reason for the rejection or ask you for more information?
Current reasons for a rejection could be, for example:
– Countries that are not supported (OFAC restrictions)
– Local legal or regulatory restrictions
– Incomplete or insufficiently secured information to verify the claim
– Missing authorizations
– Multiple claims for the same plant site
If none of the above applies, please contact the Foundation directly at
Kind regards,
Hi Anke,
I din not try to register at solarcoin and so the foundation did not give a rejection. I tried to click the checkbox on sunnyportal as it is described in this article, and get the coins to the entere wallet. But my issue is that I can not check the checkbox, as it is grayed out and the following message is in read below it: “In order to be able to participate in the SolarCoin program, please completely indicate the location of the system beforehand.” My system capacity is 7.25 kWp.
Best regards
Hi again,
Have you checked the address field? You need to fill out the address information of the plant completely and correctly. The Foundation checks this against, with current satellite data. Or maybe the state is missing? This is difficult in some countries, but the Solarcoin Foundation requires an entry here. Try to enter the district or your country again.
Please also make sure that all fields are filled in the tab “operator/installer”,also all fields from the tab “PV system data”.
Hope it will work.
Kind regards,
You probably already fixed this – however as this is the highest reply – i will comment.
Had same issue for Australian Site – You need to edit and complete all your location details:
PV System Profile> PV System Data > Save Change
PV System Profile> Operator/Installer > Save Changes
ONLY then can you tick the box, add your wallet and accept the T&C’s.
I completed this as a Plant Administrator. No need for “installer” credentials as advised.
Thanks for this tip. I need to put state on the data.
Hi i registered a wallet from the SolarCoin site before i saw that if i registered twice it would cancel from Sunny Portal.
Is there some way to fix this?
Hi Robert,
Actually this should synchronize itself automatically. In case, it does not, please contact Solarcoin Foundation directly via e-mail:
Kind regards,
The list of SolarCoin Foundation suspended regions includes:
Central African Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo
North Korea
Sudan and Darfur
South Sudan
Ukraine (Russia related sanctions)
Should you believe your facility or place of generation / ownership is exempt please submit a ticket at stating the reason believed for the exemption.
Hi, quick questions about how you file SolarCoin claims.
Do you generate a wallet for each claimant? And if so, is it a SolarCoin wallet or on a separate blockchain exchange platform? Or do you just generate a new wallet address for each of your clients, but still all within one wallet? Or do you collect all of the coins and distribute them accordingly to the claimants’ personal wallets?
Please explain, thank you.
Hi Ana,
SMA does not create wallets on customers behalf. Instead there are two possibilities:
_User creates a Solarcoin Wallet and provides the public wallet ID when registering plant for generation of Solarcoins. The Solarcoin Foundation will issue the coins to the customers wallet.
_User does NOT create a Wallet and leaves the wallet ID empty when registering for Solarcoin generation. In this case the Solarcoin foundation will create so called “omnibus wallet”. Coins are issued to the omnibus account and all plant transactions will be traced there. Sunny Portal will anyway display the customers amount of coins. When the customer wants to access his coins he will need a personal Solarcoin wallet. He has to create it and provide the wallet ID at sunny portal (can be done anytime). The Solarcoin Foundation will then transfer the coins from that omnibus account to the personal wallet. This usually takes a few days to be completed.
Kind regards,
Do i have to pay for something??
Hi Christos,
You don´t have to pay, SolarCoin is free. It is an additional reward for solar energy producers.
Kind regards,
I was registered for solar coins but this portal does not recognize me. how do I transfer coins to this account so I dont have to spend hours letting blockchain update?
i’ve got few offgrid sites that are connected to one account at Sunny Portal,
but, all the communication from battery inverters and grid inverters are using RS485 and connected to SMA Sunny WebBox. am i eligible to participate in SolarCoin?
Hallo Albert,
Thanks for your request. Yes, you can also claim SolarCoin. Unfortunately, it is not possible to register WebBox systems via Sunny Portal; so you need to claim it at SolarCoin foundation.
Hope you can enjoy your SolarCoin soon.
Kind regards,
@All: Peter and Raimund are right. In “operator/installer” you need to fill in every field, even State or Subregion. E.g. I filled in the province (for Belgium) “Oost-Vlaanderen” and “Vlaams-Brabant” (for the installer). Also in description I filled in something useless in the tab PV system data. I even filled in the fax-number for operator and installer (eventually same as the phone number). Then i was immediately accepted without error.
@All: one major issue when claiming solarcoins with sunny portal seems to be the “State” entry in the address field. Unfortunately this entry is required (I believe this is because it is necessary part of an address in the US). Please try to enter your “subregion” in this field (or retype the country).
Another issue is: Plant MUST be connected using either direct Webconnect connection or connection using SunnyHome Manager.
Then: User has to have at least installer rights to access the activation page (this should be fixed soon by SMA hopefully)
Hi, Any restrictions on which Sunny Portal plants (equipment models, or plant creation date, etc.) can ‘activate’ this SolarCoin feature? thx
dear all;
I has taken 1½ month for SMA not to ansver and by reading the string i got a clue from another user which i tried and now it seems working;
Do as follows;
You need to make sure all fields are filled in in the tab “operator/installer” and also make sure that all fields from the tab “PV system data” are filled in correctly. In my installation, some fields where empty and it seems like beeing the reason why I got the error.
After filling in all fields correctly, I succeeded to enable the solar coin program with my wallet ID.
Now i am looking forward to see if i will earn any coins 🙂
Yours sincerely
I was able to sign up and I now see SolarCoin is approved though still with zero value. Will I be automatically credited retroactively to my Dec 2016 installation? The system has generated almost 15 MWh. Thanks.
Hi Doug,
Don´t worry, it just takes some time, up to 72 h. You got it now? Thereafter there will be coins at regular 6-month intervals.
Kind regards,
Anyone a response from SMA?
No. Again weeks later still not a single response received from SMA support after reaching out to them…
Hi Cornelis,
I´m really sorry for not being able to answer you earlier. Have you already checked the field “Country code”? It must also be filled in, so please enter for example the state, your district, department or country (also see blog post).
Hope, this helps.
Kind regards, Anke
Me neither!
make sure that u leave the spaces away when you put in your wallet id,
Same here, sended the screenshots with the errors to Maria
Same here, also Netherlands.. going send a screenshot to Maria
I seem to have thhe as some other users when I try to participate.
The message shown is “Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be saved. Fout (UnknownError)”
I have my walletID filled in.
The PV-installation-ID is 77450d52-abbf-4ee9-9b80-2cff164eb82f
kind regards,
C. Niemeijer
I have the same issue. After entering my wallet-id as described in this article, I receive the error:
“Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be saved. Fout (UnknownError)”
Can we please get support on this?
Thank you
I get error:
Please help!
Hi Cornelis,
I replied under your other comment: please describe what happened and what you did.
Thank yor.
Kind regards.
1 – I added my public key in the text line
2 – Accepted the conditions
3 – Pressed SAVE
4 – And next the error was displayed:
“Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (UnknownError)”.
Please help! Maybe better to use email so I can give details (names etc) over the PV plant?
When using email I can also add screenshots Maria! And looking at the responses here on this website I am not the only one with the same problem?
Hi Maria,
My PV system identifier is
Please provide directions / solutions for the problem reported?
Hi Maria,
My PV system identifier is ec4fa10d-325b-4b6b-a5e2-680929ac7d4b
Please provide solution / directions to resolve the reported issue of not able to participate in SolarCoin due to error : Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (UnknownError).
Dear Maria et all at SMA,
Sent emails as requested, got no reply. Sent comments here, got no answers on why we cannot participate. When do we get an answer please with instructions to resolve the issues we encounter?
Still no directions received from SMA… Provided systemID, explained the steps I took, provided screenshots of the error displayed in Sunny Portal…
Dear SMA, we are a month later since I reported the issue…
A kind request: Could you please reach out to you customer and start providing help / instructions?
Okay. NO help to expect from SMA with regards to errors prompted in SunnyPortal. Not here on website, not on the by SMA themselves suggested email address. After weeks of waiting did not get a single reply. SMA: This lack of providing not any help simply ***SUCKS***!
My suggestion: Go to the Solarcoin website and create account. Next create a paper or digital wallet. Fill in the data from your PV plant and your public wallet key onto the Solarcoin website account. Add photo of inverter label. Then in the first 12 days of each month the Solarcoins are added to your digital or paper wallet.
Wallet-ID bad
Wallet-ID = indentifiant de l’installation ? (onglet “données de l’installation”)
Hi Christophe,
Wallet-ID is the public key of a solarcoin crypto-wallet. If you are not sure yet you can leave it blank. The Solarcoin Foundation will keep you Coins until you provide a valid Wallet-ID.
Kind regards,
when trying either directly or using the token from SolarCoin i get the reply “Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (UnknownError)”
I havent received any feed back neither at mail or here at this site. I also see other having excately the same problem not able to activate ??
I got the same issue but I have found the solution. You need to make sure all fields are filled in in the tab “operator/installer” and also make sure that all fields from the tab “PV system data” are filled in correctly. In my installation, some fields where empty and that was the reason why I got this error. After filling in all fields correctly, I succeeded to enable the solar coin program with my wallet ID.
Best regards
Hi Peter,
We need a screenshot containing details on the error message and preferably the name of the plant in SunnyPortal.
Kind regards,
Dear Maria,
How to submit a screenshot? Via email? What is the email address for us to use?
Awaiting your kind reply with directions.
Hi Cornelis,
Please send your email to
Thank you and kind regards,
Hi Maria,
Thanks for you reply. To which mail address do i send the screenshots.
PV System is f37fc776-3280-45c7-bbcf-f9cb3d04ecbe
Best regards
Dear Marie,
I never heard any more from SMA – I have also mailed SMA 3 week ago according to the mail address you suggested.
This is all a little peculiar – shall we waste more time on this or what to do
Yours sincerely
Peter Sogaard
§1 SolarCoin represents 1 MWh of solar electricity generation
1 SLR = 0.045$
Great of course, but not tangible)
Hi Evgeniy,
That is true – but have you seen what happened to Bitcoin 😉
Kind regards,
HI. I’m in Australia and I went to this page to register but under the ‘data releases’ tab I only have this option:
Agreement of data use via Sunny Places.
Nothing else… Why am I missing the other option?
Hi James,
please check if you are plant administrator. It is absolutely necessary to be an administrator for the plant. “Users” are looked upon as “Viewers” and will not be able to change any settings.
Kind regards,
Hi Maria.
Yes confirmed I’m a Plant Administrator. I have 2 accounts and both are admins but no go…. Is there anything else I can check?
Is Solarcoin applicable for systems below 10KW? I am not able to claim it for systems that are 10Kw and above.
Hi Suhas,
it is applicable for all systems connected to SunnyPortal with a maximum peak-Power of 150KW. It is necessary that the PV-Plant is connected using Webconnect (either inverter directly connected to the internet or using a Sunny HomeManager /SunnyHomeManager 2)
Kind regards,
Dear Reader. I have now activated a blockchain for SolarCoin but when filling in at SMA I just get the ansver “Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be activated. Error (UnknownError)”
Yours sincerely,
Peter Sogaard,
Same problem, Swedish installation.
Go to your Solar Coin wallet. Open the receive tab. Copy the address there. Paste it in the System Profile Configueration section (once opened – click on edit) paste your address there and save. Ignore if available as this will prevent you from moving forward. Save the address. Profile then is complete and you should be connected. See the UI on the SMA home page in your portal.
I’m in Italy and my country is listed.
Why don’t I have the option to participate in the SolarCoin initiative on the Sunny Portal?
I don’t have the option in the Data Releases section.
The Privacy policy is the only one that I can select.
When I want to try to add my newly installed Sunny Tripower 4.0 I cannot register to the SolarCoin program. When checking the checkbox and confirming the terms of use and filling in the wallet ID, the error I get is the following: “Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be saved. Error (UnknownError)”
Can someone please explain what can be the fault? Country of installation is Belgium
I cannot sign up for the solarcoin; “Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be saved. Fout (UnknownError)”
This is the error i receive when i enter my wallet-id.
The plant is registered in the Netherlands.
Am i doing something wrong?
I have exactly the same error: I am in The Netherlands.
SMA > How to resolve this error?
Hi you both!
we need more additional information, so please describe the problem more closely.
Kind regards,
I have the same problem. This is the error I receive when i enter my wallet-id.
“Participation in the SolarCoin program could not be saved. Error (UnknownError)”
The plant is registered in Spain
Any update from SMA on this?
I own an installation 4600 KWH with two SMA TL2100 – unfortunetly a bit too old, so I can’t use webconnect and Sunny Home or Portal.
How can I claim SolarCoins?
Hello Jan,
you need to register via the Solarcoin website ( OR wait until we have a solution. This is not bad, because retroactive to 2010 (if the system is not younger), the income will be considered.
Kinds regards,
Hello which user rights is it needed to access these settings ?
Have I to ask the installer to do this ?
Hi Michael,
You´re right, you need the installer rights to access the settings. The best way is to ask your installer to do it for you. Unfortunately, this is the only way, but we´ll keep you informed if it changes.
Kind regards, Anke
I had at first trouble in “Consent” checkbox – reason: not all address fields were filled in PV System Data.
Hi Esa,
The correct data is crucial for claiming SolarCoins. The foundation checks it based on satellite data.
Kind regards, Anke
That is so cool.
My installer had left out the house address information, so I had to complete it to allow the export to be checked. It took a while to work out what the problem was.
It makes total sense now I know that.
How to make the checkbox active for “Consent to participate in the SolarCoin program”
Make sure address fields are completed in these TWO areas:
1. Sign in to SunnyPortal with Administrator privileges
2. Navigate to: Configuration –> PV System Properties –> PV System Data (The default tab when opened)
Fill in all fields for plant address
Here is the URL:
3. Navigate to: Configuration –> PV System Properties –> Operator/Installer
Fill in all fields for owner and installer
Here is the URL:
Return to Configuration –> PV System Properties –> Data Releases and you should now be able to check the box for “Consent to participate in the SolarCoin program:”
Great! It really helped! Many thanks
Why don’t I have the option to participate in the SolarCoin initiative on the Sunny Portal?
I don’t have the option in the Data Releases section.
Hi Niko,
In which country is your PV plant installed? I´m asking, because there are a few countries in which the function is not available for regulatory reasons e.g. blocking of the country or embargo measures by the US government.
Kind regards, Anke
Hello, I suppose that Niko is from Greece and I have the same problem.
Hi Anke,
Please share with us the names of the countries where the service is available.
Hi Shahzaib,
you zhave to search the information on the page, we are not responsible for it.
Kind regards,
I have the same problem as Niko. I am in Australia, which surely is not subject to such embargos?
Kind regards,
Mark Wilkinson
I am from Hungary and I’ve got the similar issue: Cannot check that Icon on to participate this program.
Please inform me about this.
Thank you
Hi Gabor,
Please check your role in Sunny Portal, you need admin/innstaller rights to fill out all relevant data. If you don´t have them, please ask your installer for it.
Kind regards,
Hello, I encounter the same problem here in Belgium !
Hi Marcel,
functions are not available in every country.
This depends on the country availabilities, decided by SolarCoin.
Kind regards
Dear Anke,
That function is also not available In Korea(Republic of Korea).
Hello Cheol-Yong,
Sorry, but not all functions are available throughout the world.
This depends on the list of country availabilities from SolarCoin.
Sunny regards
Is it avaible in Belgium?
Hello Roman,
Yes, SolarCoin should also work out in Belgium.
Sunny regards