Entries by Jürgen Reinert

We Need the National Carbon Tax

A political consensus at the international level is still a long time coming despite the great urgency for effective climate protection. We should therefore now assume more national responsibility and quickly introduce a carbon tax. Other countries such as Great Britain, Sweden and Switzerland have long since done so.

The Trend is Toward Growth in America

The U.S. is one of SMA's most important sales markets and, in the estimation of the Managing Board, will make a significant contribution to the expected increase in sales and earnings in the second half of the year. This assessment was reinforced by my visit to the U.S. in mid-April.

Large Projects and Positive Trends

The implementation of measures to reduce costs and increase sales is proceeding according to plan, and order intake is developing positively. The Managing Board believes that SMA is well on the way to achieving its revenue and earnings targets for 2019.

Power up in Down Under

Australia is one of the world’s most exciting and promising photovoltaic markets, which was once again confirmed in the course of a number of conversations with customers during my visit last week. In all probability, after its record year in 2018, the Australian PV market will significantly grow again to 4.4 gigawatts this year. In addition to photovoltaics, storage systems are becoming ever more important, not only for independent electricity supplies for homes but also, in particular, for the power plant segment.

Fridays for Future—Homework for Politics

Sixteen-year-old Greta Thunberg from Sweden has initiated a worldwide movement with Fridays for Future, which each week reminds us adults anew that we finally have to act to prevent climate change and leave behind a planet for future generations that offers them a livelihood.