Apprentices Pass Their Finals with Flying Colors

In June, 50 technical trainees and 24 commercial trainees – covering a total of 11 different professions – successfully completed the last part of their finals, with seven of them getting such good results that they were invited to the Industrie- und Handelskammer Kassel-Marburg, IHK (the Kassel Chamber of Industry and Commerce), to be recognized for their efforts.

Needless to say, we would be hard-pressed to find a better cause for celebration, which is exactly why we invited all the trainees and their families to a graduation ceremony at our atrium. After training certificates were handed out and Stefan Brinck, director of HR Germany, I and Jan-Hendrik Welzel, chairman of the Jugend- und Auszubildendenvertretung, JAV (Youth and Trainees Representation), each delivered our respective commencement speeches, everybody toasted to the trainees’ tremendous work and to their future. It was also a great opportunity for them to look at pictures from their years as trainees, which were often met with applause and comments such as “wow, check out what you used to look like!” We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the trainees for their hard work and are happy to see that they have been rewarded for it. We are also extremely happy to announce that we were able to hire a total of 55 of them as skilled workers with fixed-term employment contracts, and would like to wish all the others, who have chosen a different path like school or college, the best of luck with their future pursuits.