A New Direction in Inverter Development

SMA Innovation Management

Agile methods have become the standard in software development. SMA employees have now employed this principle for the first time for an inverter prototype.

The specifications for the team called for developing a cost-effective inverter for worldwide use within nine months. The SMA Managing Board supported this project and freed the team from all the rules such projects are normally subject to, along the lines of “Don’t ask in advance what you’re allowed to do–just do it.”

You can see the results for yourself.


3.3/5 - (3 votes)
  1. MTM. Naasir
    MTM. Naasir says:

    Dear Sir,
    I am an engineering undergraduate from Sri Lanka. I’m researching on power control algorithms and inverter PLC development. I need your help to continue my project further. I need your technical team’s support. I hope you will take this serious and support me.

    • Anke Baars
      Anke Baars says:

      I´ve passed your request on to my colleague in India. He`ll contact you.
      Best regards, Anke

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