7 Reasons Why You Should Oversize Your PV Array

Oversizing a PV array, also referred to as undersizing a PV inverter, involves installing a PV array with a rated DC power (measured @ Standard Test Conditions) which is larger than an inverter’s rated AC output power (i.e. DC @ STC > AC). It can be a valuable tool for system designers seeking to deliver a maximum amount of energy at a lowest possible specific cost. Reasons for oversizing PV arrays and important factors to consider are summarised below.
1. Make better use of the inverter’s AC output
PV modules have ratings which define how they will operate. Their power, current and voltage ratings are all defined at Standard Test Conditions (STC). STC are defined as operating at:
- 25º Celsius
- Air Mass 1.5
- Insolation 1000W/m2
However it is obvious that a PV module would very rarely be subjected to these conditions under real world operating scenarios. Operating conditions can vary throughout the day and temperature can greatly impact the output power of a PV array. As the temperature of a PV array increases, its voltage and power will decrease. Typically at solar noon (maximum solar irradiation), a PV array will have its STC output power de-rated by between 20-25%, due to the array operating above25ºC. That would mean that at solar noon on a clear sunny day a 100kWp PV array would probably be generating approximately 77kW. That’s 23% of the array’s rated power not being delivered!
If a PV array will never deliver its rated power, sizing an inverter to match that array’s typical peak power can make better use of the inverter’s AC output capacity.
2. Lower the specific cost of energy delivered
By oversizing a PV array, a lower cost of delivered energy can be realised (lower $ or €/kWh). Oversizing a PV array will increase the cost of PV modules and array racking for a system. However, since this can be achieved without necessarily increasing either the quantity of rating of other balance of system components, the increased energy production is achieved with a lower $ or €/kW installed cost. This in turn yields in a lower specific cost of energy delivered by the system. An example comparison made using Sunny Design shows that by oversizing a PV array with a 5kW inverter, the annual energy yield of a system can be increased by over 28% for only a ~10% increase in the total cost of installation.
3. Reduce inverter costs
By oversizing a PV array, the DC energy output of that array can better match the rated AC power of an inverter. This means that an inverter with a lower AC rating (hence lower cost) can be used. Consequently, this can decrease the relative cost of inverters compared to the total system cost.
4. Achieve favourable energy output when installing inverters in limited space
Inverters sometimes need to be installed in specific locations, either due to constraints from the owner or local electrical regulations. This may mean it would not be possible to install as many inverters at a site as would be desired for a perfectly sized system. However by oversizing PV arrays, it may be possible to achieve almost the same annual energy output with fewer installed inverters. For example, using Sunny Design, a 100kWp PV array with three STP25000TL-30 inverters (i.e. 75kW of inverters) would only produce ~2% less annual energy compared to the same PV array with four STP25000TL-30 inverters (i.e. 100kW of inverters). This means that there is only a ~2% lower energy output for 25% fewer inverters.
5. Maximise the value of daytime energy to the system owner
For a business which operates during normal business hours, the value of daytime energy from their PV system might be different depending on individual circumstances. The PV output may be used to avoid peak-capacity grid charges or to offset constant loads which may be operating on the site. In such cases, oversizing a PV array could provide a business with greater certainty in their energy costs, especially given the low price of PV modules in today’s market. By oversizing a PV array, the inverter can reach its rated AC capacity earlier in the day, and continue operating at that point until late in the afternoon as shown in the following graph.
6. Better match the inverter to the PV array, in the event an inverter needs to be replaced
Sometimes if an inverter which is no longer within its warranty fails, it is not always possible to replace it with the same model inverter. In such cases an inverter of a different AC output power may need to be purchased and installed. By installing an inverter with a lower AC output power, the existing PV array could be better matched to the inverter’s capacity and the replacement cost to the system owner minimised.
7. Make the most of East-West PV arrays
Often, PV arrays are installed to maximise energy output and so are tilted towards the equator (south facing in the northern hemisphere, north facing in the southern hemisphere). Sometimes however the array plane available for installing PV modules with these ideal orientation conditions may not be as great as other less ideal array planes. In cases where the area available for east and west facing orientations is greater, a PV array might be split into some east facing strings and some west facing strings. Since an east and west PV array will peak in output power at different times of the day, it is possible to greatly oversize a PV array (e.g. install a DC input power equal to the inverter AC output power for EACH of the east and west PV arrays). Using an inverter’s sizing capability in such a way can deliver greater overall energy output, and a more levelled AC output each day.
There are two important factors which must be considered when designing for and installing oversized PV arrays:
1. Inverter input conditions
The most important input characteristic which should NEVER be exceeded for any SMA inverter is the input voltage limit. Inverters and their constituent components are designed and rated for certain input voltage levels. If an input voltage were to exceed this rating, it will almost certainly result in the inverter’s immediate failure. When oversizing a PV array, it is important to never exceed an inverter’s maximum input voltage. Consideration should also be given to the maximum power point tracker’s operating voltage range, to make sure that the PV array will not go outside that range. When a PV array voltage is outside an MPPT voltage range, the inverter is not able to maximise the performance of the system.
To most easily design an oversized PV array, Sunny Design is the simplest tool since it can provide warnings if a design will exceed an inverter’s critical input parameters.
2. Inverter Operating Efficiency and Heat Generation
Broadly speaking, the efficiency loss from an inverter is realised as heat generation. An inverter has a different operating efficiency at different output powers. The example curve below shows that for an STP25000TL-30, at certain input voltage levels, operation is between 0.5-1.0% less efficient at full rated output power compared to 60% or 80% rated output power. This could result in more than double the heat generation at 100% AC output power compared to 60% or 80% AC output power. And when oversizing a PV array an inverter will be more often operate at or close to its rated AC output power, heat generation from the inverter may create an issue for the installation location especially if inverters are installed in a plant room or similar where air flow and heat dissipation might be limited.
There can be many different reasons to install an oversized PV array. Given PV array’s rarely operate at their rated peak power, oversizing a PV array can make better use of an inverter’s rated AC output and deliver a lower cost/watt system resulting in a lower specific cost of energy delivered ($ or €/kWh). When oversizing PV arrays it is important that an inverter’s critical input limits are never exceeded. Sunny Design is the perfect tool to use when attempting to design a PV system with an oversized PV array. It is important to always comply with local electrical regulations and to use appropriately qualified system designers and installers.
I have 22 panels and 4KW system. I was recommended to change my current inverter Fronious IG 5100 4KW with SMA boy 3KW by my solar installer. I just wonder why he recommended a lower capacity and if it is ok to go lower meaning the inverter would not burn. Thanks in advance. Cheers, Maged
Hello Maged,
Please contact our SMA Online Service Center with further details on your plant.
We need more technical information to support you.
Thank you!
Sunny regards
Hi, is this discussion still active?
I have three systems which I designed, sold, and installed following the specsheets and the web sunny design for oversizing pv array. On one its working fine. 6.6 kW PV with a SB-5.0-US-40 and it will produce at full sun 5 kW. But another sistem with 10.88 kW PV and a SB-7.7-US-40 will consistently top out at 6.72 kW at full sun. A third system I just comissioned a few days ago with two SB-6.0-US-41 and a total of 16.94 kW PV. Tops out at 5.23 kW each SB with 8.47 kW PV each.
Any ideas on what’s going on? In all cases “active power limitation” is set to “off”.
i have 2 sma 7.7 inverters and i had 7250 watts to each one, i recently added 2800 watts to each inverter now at 10 am im at 7700 kw till 3pm then starts coming down. before adding more panels i topped out at 6 kw and it only peeked there for short time. its barley coming out of winter and i’m producing great power on what sunny days there have been i raised my production 20 more kwh per day witch is huge difference.
Hello Russell,
Thanks for your feedback.
Please consider, that due to safety regulations maintenance and installation work may only be carried out by certified skilled craftsmen.
Beste regards
C. Keim
Going to be installing (44) 380w panels and using 2 inverters each with 2 strings of eleven panels in series. Question is should I use (2) SMA 7.0 or (2) SMA 7.7 inverters.
What to expect if the string length is shorter than ideal design and if the array voltage is below VMPPT LOW watermark? Can the inverter still track the MPP or it goes into a constant voltage tracking mode at clamped at VMPPT LOW?
Precondition: First, DC generator voltage must be equal or higher than the start-up voltage of the inverter. Second, during operation the generator voltage must be higher than the min. voltage of the inverter. Also with less voltage than MPP voltage the inverter will operate, but outside the optimal MPP range and therefore with less output.
Sunny regards,
I’m designing a system with SB 5.0(sunny boy) which has 2 inputs. By the datasheet, each input has 15A MPP current limit.
The 340wp PV module I’m using has voltage and current parameters which permit a maximum of 12 PV modules in series without exceeding 500v inverter voltage limit and its current rating can only permit 1 string in each inverter input A and B.
Can each of input A and B take 12 modules in series making a total of 24 or 10 modules making a total of 20 without oversizing the PV array? In either cases, I will have a total of 8160wp and 6800wp respectively.
Hi Fabian,
the inverter can handle 10 modules per string to be below the allowed voltage per MPPT. With 12 modules/string the voltage is too high.
Sunny regards,
put a total of 6500 watts to the inverter divide it in have if possible 2 string a and b. as long as your volts dont go over the max witch is prob around 555-500 you should be fine
Thanks guys, going through this discussion made me learn a lot for my future sizing.
Could you please share with the range of DC to AC ratio or maximum limit which sma would recommend us to use during the designing of PV system.
The maximum DC is defined in many places, such as the Datasheet (see the parameter “Max. generator power”), Operating Manual, but the best advice is to undertake your design using Sunny Design Web (www.SunnyDesignWeb.com) which will provide exact guidance about what DC oversizing is permitted according to your specific design.
I have a 6.4 array with an SMA 5kw(4.7real kw). Works a treat overnight and early morning and again late in the day but during peak times it shuts down as the ac voltage gets too high. The installer has it clipped at 4900 watts but the inverter should be able to handle 6100 Watts.
Great idea, great system, but it switches off if the sun comes out.
Very frustrating and the installer has not corrected it and I’ve been waiting for a month now.
Should it have a 6.5 kw inverter?
Hey Peter,
I’ve forwarded your request to my colleague in Australia. He will be anwsering your question.
i would take 1-2 panels off and see how it works. your amp or voltage might be a tad to high. could also have a setting on that should be off in the portal setup but sounds like to much voltage
Hello Russell,
Thanks for your suggestions and feedback.
Please consider, that due to safety regulations maintenance and installation work may only be carried out by certified skilled craftsmen.
Beste regards
C. Keim
Peter, the issue you describe with the inverter’s AC output being either clipped or shutting down reads as though the problem lies with the public grid and its voltage being too hig, rather than the inverter not operating correctly. Rather it seems the inverter is responding as required to by the grid.
If the problem with the system is that the AC grid voltage goes too high, possible solutions can be:
1. Activate Voltage support modes such as Volt-VAr or lagging power factor.
These modes help to regulate the grid AC voltage and better allow the inverter to operate unconstrained
2. Implement Export Control
When an inverter exports energy to the public grid, it will push the grid AC voltage higher. By implementing export control, the inverter’s output can ramp down to a lower level when you are not self-consuming your solar energy. This would mean you would potentially forego some export energy grid credits.
If you can confirm what the type model of your inverter is (the model code on the type label) and also where your system is installed, we could make some more exact recommendations.
I wonder if you could offer some advice on the subject of oversized inverters, I appreciate that such a system would give a higher yield, but can you offer any advice on how to calculate what the yield would be? Taking into account days where the performance is limited by the inverter, and of course, also days where the performance is improved by the greater size of the PV system.
Many thanks,
Hi Shane,
thank you for your question which is not easy to answer. That’s why I suggest that you better contact your installer. You will get the best consulting from your installer concerning your individuel context.
Thank you and kind regards,
the installer could be not familiar with sting inverter as im finding most are a little on the stupid side
Hello Russ,
This reflects your personal assessment and not the opinion of SMA.
SMA Solar Partners in particular are characterized by the fact that they are constantly improving their qualifications in order to be able to master future requirements.
Best regards
C. Keim
Hi I am Mark from Sri Lanka,
Interesting article; however there is a theory here in Sri Lanka, that due to the higher temperatures experienced, the inverters would be susceptible to damage when exceeding the recommended Max input DC power by installing a oversized array. Is this true and if not what would be an ideal % increment for the country?
I would say in most cases oversizing is not the best answer financially. If the cost of the higher rated inverter is only $100-$200, you will lose out on $1000-$2000 easily by not capturing the extra kw’s produced. I personally have done both routes with oversizing and undersizing, and I recommend matching up a 7kw array with a 7 kw inverter. I have done a 9.2 with a 7.7kw inverter as well as a 8.4 kw array with a 7.7 inverter and they produce about the same, only a couple more kw extra a day, and some kw are being wasted every day which adds up over time to more than the $100-$200 dollars for a larger inverter.
The PV panel will degrade to about 20 % of their max power after 20 years so your 9,2 kWp becomes 7 kWp and your 7 kWp to about 5 kWp. An oversized inverter will most likely be running at a better efficiency over the lifetime of the PV system. So I would say 9,2 kWp against a 7 kWp will come up trumps.
It is difficult that an inverter will last 20 years. You are probably going to have them replace ath some point, then you could use inverter with less capacity. I also think that you can oversize, but not that much. No over 1.1 of the PV capacity (7 KW inverter = 7.7 KW tops).
Hello I´m Sergio from México,
I’m designing a system of 192PV of 320W in a industrial roof oriented south with a 10° tilt . I’m thinking of using the sunny tripower 60kW, but after reading this article not sure if it’s the best choice… what would you say about it?
STP 60 is not a good option anyways. Infact it is not a SMA inverter at all
I m an installer. Your article changed my mind. I used to design a PV array 1:1 to the inverter. My main concern is not only the system cost but also the reliability of the inverter. I was always request myself that I should build a PV system that runs at least 25 yrs with minimum, or even zero, maintenance cost. Would the operation you suggested in this article shorten the lifetime of the inverter?
Not only the cost of the system, Safety is the highest concern. What kind of protection does SMA inverters provided if over current occurs? (of course, i used to build a system within MPPT voltage). One of the example I got recently is a CIGS system. I built a system with 24.3kw PV array with SMA 25000TL. There is still an extra of 1.6kw PV paneles available, the customer brought more panels for educational analysis, for me to connect to the inverter. I tried not to connect those extra panels into the system since I worry CIGS may perform higher output the beginning months as they serve. Thanks your article again.
I live in India and have a SunnyBoy 3000TL inverter connected to 4Kwp of PV panels. This setup is working since 1 year. Earlier i had 3Kwp of panels connected. My question is about oversizing the PV panels to 4.5KWp. I have fed in all the panel parameters in the Sunny Design software and it gives me a green signal to go about it. All the DC panel max. voltage and current parameters are in range as mentioned in the specs for the 3000TL. Should i go on to increase the PV to 4.5Kwp so that i get a better output from the inverter in the mornings and evenings?
I am hesitant as the SMA India people say that you should not oversize the PV beyond 30% more than the inverter max. power. Looking at data for the past one year the inverter has never reached a peak power of 3000watts for more than a few minutes. And as i understand even if the peak power output of the panels exceed 3000watts the inverter will derate and use only 3000watts. So my second question is if this setup will in any case spoil the inverter?
to get assistance in this case, please contact our service. Look here: http://www.sma-india.com/service-support/overview.html
Regards, Lucas
I guess over sizing is suitable for European ambient conditions
Is it suitable for Africa which has high irradiation??
I am designing 50kw system using 2 25000 STP inverter. Do I need combiner box for it? I have 11 Strings of 16 module (280W each). Please let me know?
Hi Ratnesh!
If you have an inverter equipped with two independently working tracking system (inputs A+B) that have 3 String Inputs each, and there`s 11 Strings of 16 panels, you`ll certainly need to install a sort of string combiner . When connecting a high number of strings in parallel, please think of the maximum input current of 33A per tracker!
For further assistance, please contact our service line: http://www.sma.de/service-support/uebersicht.html
Regards, Lucas
Hi, we have an 8.67kw North and West panel array with a 7kw inverter. Will the inverter cope with additional panels if we ever want to put more on? Or do we need a larger one? And is it correct that the inverter will only deliver 7175w back to the grid even if generating more electricity in optimum conditions? Thanks.
Hi Tessa,
In case you have an North-West arrangement there, it`s quite legitim to orverdimensioning your pv-array of course. Anyway, it makes less sense to increase the module power furthermore, since the maximum ac-output power of your inverter is exactly 7000VA (active power, apparent power with cos-Phi 1). Even if you`re putting more panels, your inverter will be limiting it`s output power eventually. Those mentioned 7175W just refers to it`s maximum DC-Power! When designing a PV-System, there`s a recommended “Nominal Power Ratio (DC-Input / AC-Output) which is supposed to be in between 75% to 120% in order to run your system most efficient. In order to check it on your own, please enter Sunny Design Web.
Regards, Lucas
I am an installer. A 5kW plant with a 6000TL SMA inverter yields more kWh/kw than a 4kW plant with a 4000TL SMA or a 3600TL SMA. Why? So how could oversizing the PV array could give the best yield. Please let me know what could be the reason. All three plants are in India and are close by.
Thank You
Hello Vishnu,
to compare the efficiency from solar system a few more parameters are needed. You can easily check that yourself with our powerful software Sunny Design, available for free at http://www.sma.de. On the other hand feel free to contact our local services and sales team from SMA India.
Regards, Lucas
Thank You Lucas. We use the Sunny Design Software for the designing. We are happy with the performance of all plants. We find the SMA service support highly reliable and appreciable. thanks to Vishal Kedar, SMA India.
I wonder what is the limit in oversizing PV array. Is 2 times OK? i.e. 5kW inverter, 10kW solar panels? Of course provided max voltages and currents are within inverter range.
Thanks for your interest. The maximum amount which could be oversized is not a fixed number and is dependant upon the input parameters of each specific inverter. This sort of information can be found both in Datasheets and Technical Information sections in SMA inverter Operating Manuals.
Great article, we find that at times we may also under-size our customers PV array’s if necessary for further expansion in the future if they are seeking to add onto their system at a later time. I guess its all on preference. However, SMA PV Inverters are always a premium pick for long-lasting reliability and quality. Everytime we design a system with the SMA inverter, our installers are always pleased with the final result in energy output. Pair these with some SolarWorld panels and an Ironridge racking kit – and you are set!
Thanks Scott. Great info.
Can you tell me if i can still get the gov sub if off line
We have a block without power in balingup Thanks Paul
Hi Paul,
thanks for your question. My colleague Scott from the Australian has sent you an e-mail with further details and questions.
Best regards from Germany,
Fantastic article. Great stuff. In Australia it also means we take advantage of STC incentives – lowering the total cost of the system since incentives are based on module power.
Chris Taeni – The STC’s cannot be created at all if the PV Array is higher than 1.33 times the nominal output of the inverter.. IE: SB-5000TL-21 , nominal AC output: 4.6kw x 1.33 = 6.118kw of panels. Not sure why it’s not calculated on the max AC output of 5.3 (perhaps SMA Australia can address this with the CER).
You can do it, no problems, but you are unable to apply for the STC’s for the system. Have confirmed this with theCER.
3600 smart energy
how long of wait before it will be a viable in USA
Hi Kal,
At the moment there are no plans for the USA.
Kind regards,
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